ASICS ad, 2012 NYC Marathon, photo by my son, then age 10, at end of 2010 marathon
I noted the other day that I had, over the last 9 years, hijacked my blog to talk baseball, even managing to toss some law into the mix. It was my way of celebrating that my Mets were in the World Series.
And today I do the same thing with running because, as it happens, the NYC Marathon is this Sunday, and over the years I’ve also done a slew of running posts, often mixed with law.
This Sunday, if the stars are all properly aligned, I will run the marathon by day in a Mets shirt and then climb to the top of Citi Field at night for game 5 of the World Series. So if you see some guy like that running while waving an orange rally towel, it’s just me trying to have a helluva-sports-kinda-day.
Isn’t that your image of what a lawyer should look like?
Post have ranged from a marathon length Blawg Review back in 2007, to discussions of the assumption of risk doctrine, to the stoopid legalese we often see in waivers, to the circumstances of how I found my face on the side of a bus.
And sometimes, there is no legal angle at all. I just wrote something because I enjoyed writing it. Whether you enjoy reading it is an altogether different factor.
Without further ado, the rest of a round-up of running related posts that have appeared here, some of which actually deal with law:
Boston Marathon (Drinking Beer, Kissing Wellesley Women and Abstract Journeys)
Trial Tactics and Race Planning
The Long Blue Line (26.2 Miles of It)
New York City Marathon (Some thoughts and photos)–Updated for Zoe Koplowitz
The Boston Marathon (Highway to Hell)
Did Paul Ryan Lie? (About His Marathon Time?) -updated
Legal Implications for Cancelling NYC Marathon? (Updated)
Boston Marathon Bombing (And the Lives We Lead)
What Does A Smile Mean? (Updated x2)
Running, Lawyering and The Great Stage
Passover and the Boston Marathon Bombing
Boston Marathon, 2015 Edition (Updated!)