October 1st, 2010

Should Lawyers Blog (Or Twitter) About Their Cases?

There’s been some discussion in the blogosphere lately about using blogs or Twitter to discuss one’s cases. It popped up recently when criminal defense lawyer Norm Pattis twittered about his day in court, dealing with child porn and sexual assault. It was designed to be a tweet (or twit) about a day in the trenches of the practicing attorney(which differentiates him as a practicing lawyer from those in academia, or those looking to sell social media services).

The tweet, which Pattis has taken down, (although a similar one remains) was problematic. For even if he believed the twit didn’t disclose anything about any of his clients — and he didn’t —  I don’t think that is really the standard that needs to be addressed.

There are only two questions any attorney should ask when contemplating a public comment about a case:

  1. What will clients, past, present and future, think about it if they should see it?
  2. What will jurors think about it?

So even if a post is fine from an ethical standpoint, it may not be wise because of how others perceive it. And in worrying about how others perceive it, you have to assume that some will mis-perceive it. That’s just the way it is, and most importantly, there’s an excellent chance you will never know if it’s been mis-perceived.

Pattis thinks lawyers should post this kind of stuff, as he has an interest in the public seeing more of how the law works in actual practice. In a discussion of the post, and criticism he encountered, he explained:

I am adamant that there are not enough trial lawyers as judges. There are none on the Supreme Court. Every time a nomination to the court arises, I go into a funk about the injustice of it all, and write about why the court would be a better place with trial lawyers on it. Another writer has dubbed this the Trench Lawyer Movement. I like the sound of that. Trial lawyers of the world unite! We have nothing to lose but the courts!

So I report daily from the trenches about what I am doing. What kind of case am I appearing in?; am I in trial?, or engaged in trial prep? The “Tweeting” is inoffensive, or so I had hoped, as it reflects fewer than 140  characters. Others have begun to post trench menus of their own, reporting on their days in court. Slowly a sense of common purpose arises among lawyers with similar vocations. If trench menus help trial lawyers find one another and communicate, all the better. At least I think so. Or, to put it another way, beware the asshat masquerading as ethicist.

He’s dead-on regarding the lack of trial lawyers on the Supreme Court. I’ve discussed this here also. But does that address the issue of the content of the actual postings?

Scott Greenfield clearly isn’t a fan of these “trench menus” that seem to be going around the criminal defense blogosphere, writing:

In the meantime, you’re giving up information to anyone who bothers to read your twits.  A prosecutor can announce that he’s ready for trial, knowing that you’ve got three other cases to cover in three other courthouses today, blowing a potential speedy trial dismissal so that you can broadcast your ego.  Wonder how happy your defendant would be to know that you gave his motion away to be a big man on twitter?

He goes on in another post to explain why he doesn’t discuss his cases, writing:

But my lack of discussion has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with my decision to not discuss my cases to avoid any possibility that a confidence or strategy will be disclosed.  I don’t own my cases, and they aren’t mine to write about.  They belong to my clients, and my clients don’t want the worst experience of their lives strewn across the internet.  I respect that, so I don’t kiss and tell.

As for me, I rarely write about a case or client. Did you see that qualifier? Rarely? When I started this blog, I did a couple of “day in the life” types of posts, in the form of photo essays, that reveal little about any case or client (and whose formatting got screwed up when I switched to WordPress, but I’ve been too busy to deal with it). I also didn’t think they were interesting enough to continue.

But I share Pattis’ desire to publicly explore more of what we do in the public eye, and I did do a day-in-the-life series of what it was like to try a case. I held  all the posts until the trial was over, talking little about the details of the case, and did so with the permission of the client. The series remains one of my favorites, though that sentiment is not necessarily shared by my readers.

And I also did one post on an active case, with the permission of the client, after it landed on the front page of the newspaper,which started with this heads-up:

A week ago I quietly passed my three year blawgiversary. And now after three years I’m doing something I’ve never done here; writing about a pending matter in my office.

In each case, I read through the posts trying to see how they could be mis-read by anyone, before posting. I don’t want any client (past, present or future) or any juror, to think I’m even close to any kind of ethical line.

Sometimes, it isn’t about whether the lawyer is doing something improper, but about the much broader category of appearing to be improper. And that is the higher standard all blogging or twittering lawyers should, I think, aspire to. Any damage, will remain completely hidden.  And it isn’t about the appearance of something improper as lawyers might see it, but how it might be viewed by the public.

Caveat blogeur.

See also:

Blogging Rules (Mark Bennett @ Defending People):

What we think about our cases is our work product, and what we know about them is confidential. Like every good rule, do not write about your ongoing cases should allow for exceptions. There are circumstances in which revealing work product and confidential information (because, for example, doing so helps the client), but those circumstances are truly exceptional.

Rules? What rules? (aka blogging for prosecutors) (DA Confidential):

Essentially, I had to set my own guidelines and I did this by asking two questions every time I blogged:

1. What did I see as ethically appropriate?
2. What would get me fired?


September 28th, 2010

Trial Tactics and Race Planning

I looked in my RSS feed and saw 4,000 unread posts. Yeah, I know that’s a lot.  If the blogosphere thinks I fell off the face of the earth because my posts are a bit less frequent lately, I assure you that those in my community know otherwise.

For this Sunday is the Paine to Pain Trail Half Marathon, which I founded and for which I’m the Race Director. And as we come down the home stretch in planning, I find myself sorting through a thousand details and talking with a thousand people to get those details nailed down.

In other words, it resembles, to some extent, planning for a trial. Trial lawyers love to talk about tactics and fancy cross-exams, and who hasn’t fantasized about the perfect summation?

But in reality, a trial is the culmination of a thousand different details dealing with subpoenas, medical and employment records, documents, diagrams and demonstrative evidence, difficult evidentiary matters, lists, lists and more lists, and the godawful misery of trying to work around the schedules of the experts.

And lists and details are what I also deal with regarding the race.  I have hundreds of people showing up from 12 states, and I need my finishers medals, shirts, sponsor stuff, food, water, timers, medical personnel, 100 volunteers, and 13 miles of little flags laid through the woods, all in the right place at the right time. Details, details, details.

They ought to give a class in law school called “event planning.” It would have a thousand different applications both in law and life.

When I wrote about this race two weeks ago, I noted that:

I’ve met a lot of people. Not the meet as in I’m-following-you-on-Twitter meet, but as in hundreds of  real people in my own community knowing me as a person.  I didn’t create the race as a form of networking, of course, but when people get involved in community events it is a natural by-product.

So on Sunday, I’ll have followers. This will be in the literal sense to the extent I can move my feet faster than they can move theirs, and in the figurative sense to the extent I’m showing them a new trail system.

I won’t get a single new Twitter follower as a result of this race. But I do hope to have hundreds of exhausted and happy faces at the finish line who have become new friends and acquaintances.


September 13th, 2010

Turkewitz in the News…

OK, this has nothing at all to do with personal injury law. It has to do with running. (But if you look, you can find a social media tie-in at the end.)

For those that don’t know, I’m the founder and race director for a 1/2 marathon trail race in Westchester County. I wrote about this two years ago as we prepared for the inaugural event.

And yesterday The Journal News did a feature story about our 3rd edition of the race (Paine to Pain half-marathon a local gem).

This was the lede:

Trail runners are by nature a different breed. They’re not your ordinary marathon runners.

“There’s a difference between being a runner and trail runner,” Mamaroneck resident Nina Steinberg said. “Trail running is a lot of ups and downs. We’re proud of coming home splashed with mud and dirt. We’re a funny group. We wear our dirt as a badge.”

I’m quoted extensively regarding the work done to create the event, starting in 2002.

So in putting on this race, I’ve met a lot of people. Not the meet as in I’m-following-you-on-Twitter meet, but as in hundreds of  real people in my own community knowing me as a person.  I didn’t create the race as a form of networking, of course, but when people get involved in community events it is a natural by-product.

And that may be some food for thought as people go gaga over all those new “followers” they have on Twitter.

UPDATE: Some reviews of the race are at the Paine To Pain blog.


January 25th, 2009

Twitter and The Age of Information Overload

Several people have suggested I join Twitter, the microblogging service. With a 140 character “tweet” or “twit ” you can send off a tiny little message to those that follow you. It’s all the rage now with blogging lawyers, and there’s 565 on this growing list. Heck even Barack Obama tweets (though the prior list somehow missed the First Lawyer).

But I’ve resisted. My brain is being swamped with information and my days seem to be getting shorter as I try to stay current:

  • I have 150-200 blogs in my RSS feed;
  • I have a local listserv that is, shall we say, exceptionally active in all things related to my practice;
  • I’ve joined Facebook, which I rarely visit, and when I do, I find out what people had for breakfast;
  • I’ve joined Linkedin, which I visit even less often.

I read hard copy magazines and newspapers. I write this blog. I’ve got a wife, two kids, a dog and a cat. I’m training to run another marathon, and organizing a 1/2 marathon trail race. And, oh yes, I have a law practice to run with clients to attend to.

The internet and the burgeoning social networks that it has spawned have made it possible to acquire information in ways that our parents never envisioned. Information now pours over the transom in an unprecedented deluge, being pushed and pulled in myriad ways.

But at some point I need to stem this tide. I’m not looking to retreat to a cabin in the woods, eating grubs to survive and working on an anti-technology manifesto, but I also don’t feel a compelling need to open every valve of the technology river. There are only 24 hours in the day, and yes, I like to also use some of them to eat and sleep.

It is true that there are times I would like to make a very short post, but a once-a-week round-up of linkworthy items on this blog seems to be efficient enough for that purpose. And I have to think that those that would “follow” me on Twitter already follow me their RSS feed or by subscription, so little would seem to be gained by way of a growing readership.

Twitter really seems like an updated version of a listserv, which has served me quite well over the years. I’ve previously covered that subject (The Million Dollar Listserv), writing that “The listserv may be the single greatest tool the solo or small practice lawyer has,” and if you don’t belong to one in your practice area, you really should find or create one. You can read that post to see why. Twitter doesn’t seem to improve on it in any meaningful way, and when you supplement the listserv with RSS feeds the ground is pretty well covered.

There are some that think Twitter’s great for breaking new stories, but that’s really nonsense. For example, some “credit” Janis Krums with using Twitter to “scoop” mainstream media with a first photo of the US Airways splash landing in the Hudson. Krums was on the first ferry to reach the plane. The WSJ wrote, “Notch another win for citizen journalism,” and the Daily News called his 15 seconds of fame “well-deserved.”

Why, on godsgreenearth anyone would think this is a “well-deserved” “win” of any kind and relevant to any serious issue of news reporting is beyond me. Why would it matter that someone twittered about a loaded airplane going down in full view of thousands of people on the edge of the biggest city in the country — other than to the guy who took the picture and spent his time twittering it to friends? Did Twittering save lives? Of course not. Rescue was already in progress.

While Krums was being lauded as a celebrity, I wanted to know why the hell he was spending time on his iPhone instead of asking the crew what he could do to help, getting life vests ready to toss overboard, looking for survivors in the frigid waters, and looking around to see where, if at all, there might be lifeboats that he might need to assist with. Obsessiveness to technology can also mean the difference between life and death.

And then there is LexTweet — a project of Kevin O’Keeffe’s Lexblog business that builds sites for lawyers — where the twittering is all about law. Or at least that may have been his thought when starting it. According to O’Keefe, “The community has already grown to over 1,500 members. But when I checked it out I found these pearls of twittering show up on his service:

Who wants to sort through this crap looking for substance? Thanks, but I have enough to do. Even if I knew these people I wouldn’t want to read this dreck.

Now I don’t blame O’Keefe for putting that content up, or even encouraging it. He’s the platform builder, not the content creator. But it doesn’t help to claim 1,500 twittering lawyers if these are among the ranks.

I’m not saying I will never Twitter. It certainly has its place as yet another method of information sharing. It’s just that I don’t see the need, given that I already can’t read all the information that comes in. And it doesn’t seem to be any improvement over a simple listserv or bulletin board with threaded subjects. And that type of technology was in wide use in the mid-90s.

Will Twitter help me acquire yet more information that I can’t get to, or assist me in sharing information that I might have? I don’t see how.

For more on twittering lawyers:

  • Twitter users going to LegalTech New York : Here’s a list (Kevin O’Keefe @ Lexblog),

    Here’s a list of Twitter users [53 and counting] I know who are attending. If you’re not on the list, leave a comment, or drop me a tweet at @kevinokeefe so we can get you on the list.

  • they’re all atwitter (we’re not) (David Giacalone @ f/k/a)

    Everywhere you look, well-known members of the blawgisphere (lawyers who have weblogs) are all atwitter, chirping excitedly about Twitter …At risk of being called a twit (or a throwback), the f/k/a Gang is preemptively opting out.

  • Blawg Review #186: The Twitter Wars (at the Res Ipsa Blog)

    Twitter, a cross between “social networking, blogging, and texting,” took center stage this week as legal bloggers debated the usefulness of the new networking platform. For a run down and the new technology and reasons why some attorneys are not embracing it [read the rest of the post with the links]

  • Twitter for Lawyers (David Harlow @ HealthBlawg)

    I’ve been twittering for a couple of months now, and the consensus seems to be that I’m just one of those bleeding-edge geeks with too much free time. I bet I would’ve gotten the same reactions from fellow lawyers if I had installed a telephone in my office back in the 1870s.

  • First Impression of The Lextweet Reflection (Greenfield @ Simple Justice)

    Kevin O’Keefe is always on the hunt for the next big thing, and what to do about it. His latest creation is Lextweet, billed as means to “follow legal community members who use Twitter to discuss the law and much more.” … But the biggest issue has nothing to do with Lextweet at all. The vast majority of twits are, how do I say this nicely, worthless to the general lawyer audience. Nothing personal, but intimate details of your personal hygiene don’t interest me. I don’t know your family (I don’t even know you) so it’s really of little concern what they’re having for breakfast. But this is what people twit about, and what shows up on Lextweet whether it matters or not.

  • How I Use Twitter — Let me count the ways (Grant Griffiths @ Blog for Profit)

    Since I spend some of my time visiting with real-world friends and business contacts and individuals online about twitter, I thought it might be time to provide a post on “how I use twitter.”

  • Sixteen Reasons to Tweet on Twitter (Robert Abrogi @ Law Marketing Portal)

    1. Expand your network. With blogging, writing, speaking and various bar committees, I consider myself pretty well networked. So I was surprised upon joining Twitter at how many new contacts I made, how quickly I made them, and their potential value to me as a professional.

  • Attorneys Flocking to Twitter for Marketing (Larry Bodine @ Law Marketing Blog)

    From where I’m sitting, 2009 will be the year Twitter becomes the major business development trend. Why?

Links to this post:

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posted by [email protected] (Kevin) @ January 26, 2009 12:56 AM

why do lawyers who don’t use twitter feel the need to diss twitter?
new york city injury lawyer eric turkewitz, who is not only a first rate plaintiff’s trial lawyer, but also a heck of a fine person, is the latest lawyer to question the value of twitter. eric doesn’t say he’ll never use twitter,
posted by [email protected] (Kevin) @ January 26, 2009 12:56 AM