March 20th, 2007

Rick Santorum Joins Firm That Violates Ethics Rules

Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania, has joined the firm of Eckert Seamans as a consultant, as per Peter Lattman at the WSJ Law Blog.

But since the firm has a New York office it is required to abide by New York’s new ethics rules that went into effect on February 1st of this year, and have been discussed for many months before that.

A view of the firm website this morning finds that it is not in compliance with the disciplinary rules. Its attorneys apparently haven’t even read through the new rules despite many articles on the subject including the New York Times (WSJ Law Blog on Times article) and the front page of the New York Law Journal.

The reason I suggest the rules haven’t even been read is that the easiest part, marking the web site as attorney advertising, hasn’t been done, as required.

Litigation is currently pending in federal court over the constitutionality of the new rules (Skadden Website and Others Named In Ethics Lawsuit).

Other links on the subject:


March 13th, 2007

Which New York Felons Can Practice Law?

New York Sets a High Bar for Convicted Felon, read the headline in a WSJ Law Blog posting last week by Peter Lattman. It centers on the 12-year campaign by a twice-convicted felon to practice law in New York after a small matter of attempted murder. He has been denied admission nine times. The posting received dozens of comments.

Now here is the interesting part, not noted in the column or the comments. If this felon is not allowed to practice, what are the ramifications for former Chief Judge Sol Wachtler, who had been convicted and served time for blackmail and extortion? He was recently in the papers for having received preliminary approval for getting his license back (Sol Wachtler Getting Law License Back?).


March 2nd, 2007

Skadden Website and Others Named In Ethics Lawsuit

Big Law will have their websites before a federal judge in the controversy over New York’s new ethics rules. This results from a lawsuit filed by Public Citizen and an upstate New York personal injury law firm that advertises heavily as the “heavy hitters,” for a preliminary injunction against the rules. The court will be challenged due to the vagueness of the rules, as well as the problem of selective enforcement on attorneys depending on their area of practice

One of the issues before the court is this provision, that prohibits:

techniques to obtain attention that demonstrate a clear and intentional lack of relevance to the selection of counsel, including the portrayal of lawyers exhibiting characteristics clearly unrelated to legal competence.” 22 NYCRR 1200.6(c)(5)1

Thus, the issue is not simply ads in poor taste, but rather, any attention getting technique. I had addressed this problem previously on January 24th with, Is My Family Photograph An Ethical Violation in New York? Since virtually every graphic or photograph on a law firm’s web site is “unrelated to legal competence,” the rule is utterly vague as to what is actually forbidden, thereby raising constitutional conflicts.

The following law firms have now had their website cited in this complaint as potentially being in violation of the attorney advertising rules (in the order they appear in the brief):

It is not just vagueness that is at issue. Plaintiffs’ brief, citing to Judge Eugene Pigott — who had been one of the presiding justices that formulated the rules and has now been elevated to New York’s Court of Appeals — conceded that the rules were not intended to be applied uniformly:

Indeed, Justice Pigott, in his public comments about the rules, acknowledged that the presiding justices had not considered how some of the rules would be applied to “the big firms in New York,” noting that “[w]e’re thinking about the ads that you and I see at night.” Although Justice Pigott claimed that the rules do not “target any area of practice,” he admitted that it was only “very limited areas of practice” that he was concerned with in adopting the amendments and that it was “obvious to all of us the areas that seem to attract the most egregious ads.”

As set forth succinctly in the brief:

Due process prohibits vague regulations for two interrelated reasons: (1) to provide fair notice so that individuals may steer clear of unlawful conduct, and (2) to provide explicit standards to authorities to prevent arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement.

It should be noted that prior to the new rules that went into effect on February 1st, New York already had rules against false and misleading advertising. According to a New York State Bar Association report cited in plaintiffs’ brief, about 1/3 of randomly selected ads were in violation. The problem was a lack of enforcement. But instead of additional enforcement, yet more rules were made, even more unenforceable than the prior ones.

It seems that New York’s judiciary wants to prohibit ads that are in bad taste, but has well exceeded such a goal. And while that may be a laudable objective to many, actually defining it is another matter. The new rules simply seem to be another version of the vague, “I know it when I see it.”

(copy of brief via Sui Generis)
Additional links:


February 21st, 2007

Sol Wachtler Getting Law License Back?

Former New York Chief Judge Sol Wachtler has moved closer to reclaiming his lost law license. From my local paper, The Journal News, a recap of the sordid affair and conviction that led to his stunning fall:

Former chief judge wins step toward getting law license back

The former chief judge of New York state’s highest court who suffered a spectacular fall from grace after being arrested for stalking an ex-girlfriend has received preliminary approval to have his law license reinstated.

Sol Wachtler, who was disbarred after his 1993 conviction on federal charges including blackmail and extortion, has received approval from the state’s Appellate Division for a hearing before the Committee on Character and Fitness, a key step toward reinstatement that was denied to him on his first application in April 2003.

Wachtler, now 76 years old, made international headlines after FBI agents arrested him near his home on Long Island on Nov. 7, 1992. Wachtler ultimately admitted he sent threatening and sexually offensive letters to Joy Silverman, a Manhattan woman with whom he had carried on an extramarital affair, then tried to extort money in a scheme to win her back after their relationship soured.


February 15th, 2007

Rudy Giuliani Finally Complies With New York Ethics Rule

A week ago I headlined that Rudy Giuliani had screwed up by not following changes to New York’s new attorney rules on advertising. In addition to leading in the polls for a presidential nomination, Giuliani is also a practicing New York attorney. Since these are Disciplinary Rules, they’re important.

I checked yesterday and Bracewell & Giuliani has now complied, as have some of the others on the two lists I provided. Former Mayor Ed Koch’s firm Bryan Cave, among a gazillion others with New York offices both prominent and not, is still in default. And whether New York attorneys comply with the more substantive rules than the one I picked on is anyone’s guess.

While I’ve written about many of the problems and challenges the new rules will have, the biggest one (for any rule that survives legal challenge) is likely to be enforcement. The resources since don’t exist to chase everyone down, which means that any enforcement is going to be selective, and therefore it will likely be discriminatory in some fashion.

If the old rules were thinly enforced regarding advertising and solicitation (particularly with respect to the abhorrent practice of “chasing” in personal injury matters), simply creating new ones is not likely to cure the problems that do exist.

Other links to the subject: