April 17th, 2007

Raoul Felder — In Violation of New York Advertising Rules?

Celebrity matrimonial lawyer, talking head and author Raoul Felder is all over the legal news these days because of a new book he co-wrote with Jackie Mason. (see: N.Y. Judicial Conduct Commission Throws the Book at Chairman-Author)

The uproar is due to his also being the chairman of a state commission that oversees judges, and he has now been given a unanimous vote of no confidence by the other nine members of the commission for helping to write the book they said is racially and ethnically inflammatory.

So I checked out Felder’s law firm website, as I did once before on February 8th (Rudy Giuliani Among New York Attorneys That Violate New Ethics Rules), and it seems Felder has still failed to comply with New York’s new ethics rules that require law firm websites to be properly labeled as attorney advertising.

It just seems to be that if you want to be in the limelight, you ought to be extra careful to make sure you don’t run afoul of ethics rules.


April 16th, 2007

New York Attorney Advertising Suit To Go To Trial

After oral argument on Friday, Northern District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr., sitting in Syracuse, ruled against the New York Attorney General’s motion to dismiss this First Amendment lawsuit. He set June 18 for the beginning of a trial on the constitutionality of the state’s new guidelines on attorney advertising. Public Citizen brought the action on behalf of itself and an upstate law firm that advertises heavily.

(hat tip to Andrew Bluestone, New York Attorney Malpractice Blog)

For more on the issue, including copies of the briefs:


April 4th, 2007

New York Attorney Advertising Lawsuit — Reply Brief

The reply brief was filed regarding the lawsuit challenging New York’s new advertising rules for attorneys. A copy of the brief by Public Citizen is here:Reply.pdf

I previously covered the opposition brief filed by New York’s Attorney General here: New York Responds to Lawsuit Challenging New Attorney Advertising Rules — By Banning Humor

The issue I had written on was the vagueness of the rules, and that even a simple family photograph could be viewed as a violation, and I had remarked that the State had failed to address the issue of vagueness. This is how Public Citizen responded:

Defendants Do Not Dispute That the Rules Are Unconstitutionally Vague and Thus Invite Arbitrary Enforcement.

Defendants do not respond to plaintiffs’ argument that the rules are too vague to give adequate guidance to those seeking to avoid discipline and to prevent arbitrary enforcement. See Pls.’ Mem. at 15-17. As explained in plaintiffs’ opening memorandum, the rules do not define a “technique[] to obtain attention” or explain what sorts of techniques are “relevan[t] to the selection of counsel.” Id. Nor do they provide any guidance as to what lawyer characteristics are deemed to be “unrelated to legal competence” or what sorts of statements “impl[y] an ability to obtain results in a matter.” The vagueness of the rules creates a risk of self-censorship and arbitrary enforcement that cannot be tolerated under the First Amendment. Id. For this independent reason, the validity of which defendants effectively acknowledge, the amended rules are unconstitutional.

Additional links are at my prior posts linked above.


March 28th, 2007

New York Responds to Lawsuit Challenging New Attorney Advertising Rules — By Banning Humor

In a brief dated yesterday, New York’s Attorney General responded to the lawsuit brought by Public Citizen and an upstate law firm to challenge the new adverting rules for attorneys (see: Skadden Website and Others Named In Ethics Lawsuit). The reply brief was emailed to me and can be found here: ResponseMemo.pdf

One of the subjects I had harped on was how vague the rules were, so that it was impossible to know if they were being violated or not. This one in particular, prohibited:

“techniques to obtain attention that demonstrate a clear and intentional lack of relevance to the selection of counsel, including the portrayal of lawyers exhibiting characteristics clearly unrelated to legal competence.” 22 NYCRR 1200.6(c)(5)1

Having pondered that question when I wrote Is My Family Photograph An Ethical Violation in New York?, I opened the brief and did a search for the word “vague” to see how the State responded to the plaintiff’s brief on the critical subject.

But my search came up blank. The State didn’t respond to the issue, which speaks volumes to me on how indefensible the point is.

In fact, the first point they make — and indeed it appears to be the only one outside of the procedural issues that fill most of the brief — is that the ads at issue were false. Why? Because the State has taken the position that humor is not allowed. Think I’m kidding? Here it is at pp. 12-13 of the brief:

Defendants suggest to the Court that the advertisements submitted by Plaintiff are not a complete catalog of their television advertisements. However, in just the few submitted there are patent falsities. Irrespective of whether Plaintiffs intend their commercials to be humorous, it cannot be denied that there is little likelihood that they were retained by aliens, have the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or have stomped around downtown Syracuse, Godzilla-style. These absurdities, however, are not the most disturbing misrepresentations to be found in these advertisements.

In the alien advertisement, Plaintiffs suggest that damage to the alien’s spacecraft should be paid for by an insurance company, to which the alien responds that the insurance company said “no way.” In response, suggesting that this space vehicle insurance company can be compelled to pay for damages (without any indication of legal liability), attorney Alexander responds by saying “then we’ll get them to say ‘yes, way'” followed by attorney Catalano saying “because we’re the heavy hitters.”

Without support of any kind, Plaintiffs claim that use of the term “heavy hitters” only suggests their knowledge of the field in which they practice. However, a “heavy hitter” is defined as either “a baseball player who makes many extra base hits [or] a very important or influential person.” Webster’s Encyclopedic Under Bridged Dictionary of the English Language, 1996. Rather than suggesting knowledge, Defendants submit that the use of the term in conjunction with a suggestion that they are able to compel an insurance company to make a payment, without even the slightest suggestion that any such payment would require some legal basis, serves more to mislead the uninformed public to believe the “heavy hitters” can bring to bear certain powers or influence that have no relationship to their knowledge or the facts of the case at hand. The falsity of the advertisements, alone, are sufficient to warrant restriction.

Now I am not a fan of most attorney advertising, and I don’t do any other than my web site, and these ads in particular seem not only sophomoric, but an embarrassment to the profession. But there is a First Amendment issue at stake. And if the State wants to ban something, it must be specific as to what it is banning. And this was not done.

So there it is, the ultimate lawyer joke, brought to you New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo: Humor has now been banned.

For more information on the subject:

Update, 4/2/07: From f/k/a, many links and comments on attorney advertising issues from around the country: the bar’s self-importance is undignified (tasteless, too)


March 24th, 2007

Bad Lawyers In The News…

If I’m going to re-post issues of problems with insurance companies such as Blue Cross of California, Allstate, or State Farm, then I should also be able to turn a critical eye to the bar…

Two stories today: