New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Scams


November 11th, 2024

New E-Filing Scam Targets Lawyers

Lawyers have been targeted for scams in the past (Lawyers targeted in check scam). But this one is new: Emails that appear to be messages from a court’s electronic filing system.

Attorneys are sent an alert with an update that requires immediate action. Then then you get an email with a link containing a virus. As per the federal courts:

According to the IT Security Office for the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the fake Notices of Electronic Filing prompt recipients to reply immediately. Recipients are then sent an email containing a link to access fake case documents that direct users to a malicious website.

You’ve been warned.

According to

Some of the messages originate from email addresses with the domain name “,” representing themselves as clerks alerting NEF warnings, and indicating that the attorney is required to provide a response.

If you don’t want malicious code mysteriously dropped into your computer, be wary. Always be wary.


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