February 1st, 2008

Random Notes

Why Winners Win: Decision Making in Medical Malpractice Cases (Linda Crawford, J.D., Journal of American Academy of Orthopedics) (via Mary Whisner);

New York’s Appellate Division, First Department carves out an excepton to the general rule of granting summary judgment against the second car in a rear-end collission: If the lead car is double-parked, the court won’t grant summary judgment even if the driver of the trailing
car falls asleep at the wheel. The case is White v. Diaz (Via Thomas Swartz, NY Legal Update);

Who owns the blog if you are a partner at a firm? (Francis Pileggi);

Blawg Review #144 is up at Cyberlaw Central by Kevin Thompson with its Lord of the Rings theme.

And Personal Injury Law Round-Up #47 has been posted by Brooks Schuelke.


January 24th, 2008

Random Notes

  • Blawg Review #143 is up at Public Defender Blog, with Gideon’s take on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • The award for Best Medical blog goes to Paul Levy at Running a Hospital. In case you don’t know, Levy is the CEO of Beth Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, a top medical institution affiliated with Harvard, and has been busily pulling the curtain back on many of the secret problems, some of which cause injury and death;
  • The Macintosh turns 24 today, as The Mac Lawyer reminds us. Apple and gave us the graphical interface we all now use. It was introduced in 1984 during Super bowl XVIII with this legendary Orwellian commercial (Director: Ridley Scott; Hammer Thrower was Anja Major, a discus thrower):


January 17th, 2008

Random Notes

Lots of stuff I didn’t get to because I am too busy working:

A wrongful death award made to grandchildren has been ruled invalid by a New York appellate court. Only a distributee can recover, and if the parents of the grandchildren are alive, they don’t qualify. (New York Legal Update);

An eye doctor gets sued for toe-licking (No, I am not making this up);

A much less funny lawsuit of a California hospital sued for patient dumping, when it dropped a paraplegic man in a hospital gown on skid row;

TortDeform releases its Election ’08: A Pro Civil Justice Presidential Platform;

Susan Carier Liebel at Build a Solo Practice presents Blawg Review, as an inventive letter to a new attorney;

Scott Greenfield on the Supreme Court upholding New York’s judicial selection proceeding, along with the money quote from from Justice John Paul Stevens in a concurrence: “The Constitution does not prohibit legislatures from enacting stupid laws;” and

And if you’re going to go off topic, you might as well do it with style, as the Justice Building Blog did in a tribute to the most famous boxer on the planet.


January 9th, 2008

Random Notes

Been too busy to post much, but a few things that deserve note:

Welcome to a new law blog, court-o-rama, which pitches itself as “the least dangerous blog.” (Now what fun is that?) It’s the brainchild of Anne Skove, editor of the Jur-E Bulletin, and will watch everything that happens inside the courthouse doors.

Legally funny videos at The Billable Hour;

A defunct law blog wins a category of the ABA Journal Blawg 100;

TortsProf Bill Childs offers to help Jon Stewart discuss tort law, once the strike is over;

And Blawg Review #141 is at Charon QC — that’s QC as in Queens Counsel, which he is not– comes at us from across the Atlantic. And any Blawg Review that starts with a Charge of the Light Brigade is going to be a winner. Which it is.