Walter Olson, long time tort “reformer” and my occasional sparring partner, has moved from the Manhattan Institute (and his home base at Point of Law) to the Cato Institute. He will continue on with Overlawyered, where he continues to provide fodder for legal commentary, while Ted Frank (both my sparring partner and my lawyer) tries to fill his shoes at MI;
This is Scott Greenfield’s policy on putting links in comments. I follow much of the same here;
Snoopy tried to break in to a prison. He got caught, which means, I suppose, that he succeeded? He’ll probably have to surrender the costume;
How much should it cost to prepare a record and transcript from court? How about $10 per page?
Are you storing your law firm data in a cloud? And is the cloud safe?
60 bits of wisdom from Brian Tannebaum, including this nugget: “If you have a bad feeling about taking a case, don’t.”
Both Roy Mura and I were quoted in an column in the New York Law Journal on proposed changes to our No-Fault law;
We apparently have the lowest taxes since 1950. Should someone tell the Tea Party?
A look at malpractice systems in other countries. It might be important to note, of course, that those other countries have significantly different social safety nets, for which the people are taxed;
Facebook users continue to lose more and more control over privacy settings. How many will quit?
TortsProf with the Personal Injury Law Round-Up;
Blawg Review #263 celebrates Mother’s Day with an epic compilation (though I try to celebrate it with Mrs. NYPILB on the two days she did the hard work); and
Blawg Review #264 commemorates the Irish Famine