February 13th, 2007

New York Teen Sues Taco Bell Over E. Coli Poisoning

From today’s New York Post:


A 16-year-old boy says he suffered “severe and permanent personal injuries” after eating food from a Long Island Taco Bell.

In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, James Robinson, of Rockville Centre, says he “experienced great pain and suffering” and was hospitalized with E. coli poisoning after his mother picked him up some dinner at a now-shuttered Taco Bell in Hempstead.

The incident took place in mid-November – weeks before word of an outbreak of E. coli poisoning at several northeastern Taco Bell outlets became public.

I note that the venue selected was Manhattan, more liberal than the very conservative Nassau County where the boy lives and where the restaurant was located (and where I grew up). I have to assume that the venue choice of Manhattan was based on the location of either the restaurant franchisee or the merchant that supplied the vegetables. Taco Bell HQ is in California.


February 10th, 2007

Is Allstate really Allsnake?

Personal injury claims are difficult if small, due to the problem of finding an attorney for representation. A great read is Anderson Cooper’s February 7th story on Allstate practices when it comes to such small claims, when people find out that Allstate’s “good hands” stuff is apparently just marketing, and not reality. The lede:

Insurance companies fight paying billions in claims
Put yourself in the driver’s seat of this accident. You are heading down the street when a truck comes out of nowhere and slams into the right side of your car. The damage to the vehicle is obvious: dents across the passenger door.

You are hurt too, thought it’s not obvious how much: a slight cut above your eye, an ache in the neck.

Your doctor says your spine was injured, you have soft muscle tears, and the pain in your neck mostly likely is whiplash.

It’s going to need therapy, she says, and some time off work to heal. And in the end it’s going to cost you $15,000 in medical payments and another $10,000 in lost wages, because you took so much time off work.

But when you send the $25,000 bill to the insurance company of the person who hit you, the insurance company says it’s only going to pay you $15,000. You can take it or leave it.

What do you do?

The rest is here.

Surprise, surprise, taking premiums is a lot more fun than paying out claims.

And thanks to The Tortellini for the heads up.


February 6th, 2007

Personal Injury Lawyer Talks Himself Off Jury Duty

Yesterday I had a pool of 30 jurors. Four of them were lawyers. One tried personal injury cases.

Now you would think that of all people in the world, the ones that try cases would be least likely to say things to deliberately get booted from the jury panel. After all, no one appreciates the need for jurors more than those who work in the well of the courtroom.

But more importantly, the experience of being a juror is one that every attorney should have. You might not learn anything new about law or about trial tactics in a routine matter, but you learn what jurors go through. This potential juror who did mass torts litigation proceeded to say the magic words to get kicked, either because he was too busy, or just too snobby, to sit on a routine trip and fall sidewalk case. (Since jury duty can be deferred a few times for scheduling problems, it was likely unrelated to being too busy.) Deliberately getting kicked off a jury panel is, in my view, a lost opportunity.

I sat once in the late ’90s on a criminal case. And while it was a run-of-the-mill burglary — knocking off a fish truck in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan while being trailed by two undercover cops — and the lawyers weren’t that good, it was an altogether different experience seeing a trial from the jury box. And from the jury room.

No one should ever mistake the inside of a courtroom for the inside of a jury room. And no lawyer should turn down the opportunity to serve.


January 29th, 2007

When Lightbulbs, Ladders and Lawyers Are Not A Joke

Is changing a lightbulb a repair or maintenance under New York’s Labor Law? Well, if you are doing work on the wiring it is clearly a “repair” and thus comes under the tough Labor Law rules that protect workers when the safety apparatus fails as they work at an elevation:

From New York’s Appellate Division, First Department (Rios v. WF-Paramount)

Plaintiff building engineer was in the process of repairing and replacing electrical wiring in the ceiling of the 12th floor, in order to restore lighting to the entire floor, at the time the ladder he was standing on collapsed. The work he was engaged in was more than simply changing a lightbulb, and constituted “repair[s]” within the meaning of Labor Law 240(1) …


January 23rd, 2007

How New York Caps Personal Injury Damages

A favorite topic of tort “reformers” is to place arbitrary caps on personal injury damage awards for pain and suffering. In doing so, they simply ignore the fact that caps already exist, but without the low ball one-size-fits-all numbers they argue for. In fact, we’ve been capping damages now in New York for almost 200 years without using an arbitrary number.

Here’s how it works: On occasion a jury will give an outrageous number…sometimes way too high, and sometimes way too low. (Newspapers only cover the high ones.) While jury awards are given great deference by the courts, that deference is not absolute, and the judge has the power to modify the award. Not directly, since the court won’t simply substitute its own judgment for the jury, but by tossing out the award and ordering a new trial unless the aggrieved party stipulates to the new amount chosen by the court. This happens at both the trial court level and the appellate level.

The earliest opinion I’ve seen where the court says it will not accept any award from a jury in New York is from 1812:

“It is not enough to say, that in the opinion of the court, the damages are too high and that we would have given much less. It is the judgment of the jury, and not the judgment of the court, which is to assess the damages in actions for personal torts and injuries….The damages, therefore, must be so excessive as to strike mankind, at first blush, as being beyond all measure, unreasonable and outrageous, and such as manifestly show the jury to have been actuated by passion, partiality, prejudice, or corruption. In short, the damages must be flagrantly outrageous and extravagant, or the court cannot undertake to draw the line; for they have no standard by which to ascertain the excess.” – Chief Judge James Kent, Coleman v. Southwick, 9 Johns. 45, 1812)

Chief Judge Kent’s standard of being “flagrantly outrageous and extravagant” to toss out a civil award is now read in two similar ways: The appellate court language is that the damages “deviate materially from what would be reasonable compensation”; and the trial courts say they will order a new trial when the verdict “shocks the conscience of this court.”

This methodology of ordering a new trial if the party did not stipulate to reduced damages came up in a famous 1913 case, involving future Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo and Bat Masterson, a legendary figure of the Old West, when a jury returned a defamation verdict in favor of Masterson for $3,500. The reason? Cardozo’s client had said that that Masterson had “made his reputation by shooting drunken Mexicans and Indians in the back.” (Hat tip to Randy Barnett at The Volokh Conspiracy.) New York’s appellate court tossed the verdict and awarded a new trial unless Masterson stipulated to a reduction of the verdict to $1,000.

And in one of my own trials, I took a $610K verdict in a Brooklyn medical malpractice case resulting from a misplaced injection that injured the sciatic nerve. The court reduced my client to $450K using the same stipulation mechanism. To see how often the New York courts continue to do that, just pop the phrase “deviate materially from what would be reasonable compensation” into the search box at the court’s appellate website here.

In other words, to persevere in an action for pain and suffering, one must first win with a jury’s review, then have that verdict pass muster before the judge that heard the case, and then have the verdict reviewed a third time in front of an appellate panel.

So why put arbitrary caps in place if common sense ones already exist? Because the movement to do so has nothing to do with finding justice, but rather, is run by big business and its front groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to give negligent conduct various forms of immunities and protections when folks are injured. The idea is to remove the concept of personal responsibility for one’s actions.

The big verdicts make big headlines. The subsequent reductions (or additions when a plaintiff is badly shortchanged) rarely appear. But simply because you don’t see it in the papers doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Addendum, 3/12/07 — For more on the disparity of coverage between verdicts and subsequent reductions, see Media Bias at TortDeform.