August 2nd, 2007

Medical Malpractice Deposition and Surveillance Videos Surface on YouTube

We’ve seen a doctor live-blogging his malpractice case with Flea. We’ve seen the Charlie Weis malpractice case live-blogged.

Now we see attorneys apparently using YouTube to influence the jury, by downloading segments of depositions and surveillance video to the popular video-sharing website. (This doctor has 122 malpractice cases pending against him, which I had mentioned in Personal Injury Round-Up #21)

According to this AP story (via Kevin, M.D.):

The three-minute video features outtakes from the pretrial testimony, or depositions, of six people suing [former West Virginia doctor] John A. King. Five of the snippets are followed by surveillance-style video or photos that purport to contradict those persons’ claims.

The defendants had apparently shared the footage with a public relations firm. The plaintiffs had also posted information about the case online. [Judge] Spaulding barred both sides from releasing anything further to the media.

“I decided that both sides were trying potentially to influence the public before we went to trial,” Spaulding said Wednesday.

What next? A live-blogging judge?


August 2nd, 2007

New York Personal Injury Attorney Probe Catches Another Ambulance Chaser

A Manhattan District Attorney investigation into ambulance chasing has yielded its 11th attorney conviction. The probe, ongoing since 1999, involves a “runner” bribing hospital officials for the names of patients and then selling them to corrupt attorneys for $500, according to this New York Law Journal article.

The attorneys who bought the names have been convicted of a felony for filing a false statement, and disbarred. The filed document is a “Retainer Statement” that New York personal injury attorneys must furnish to the Office of Court Administration that sets forth the terms of the contingency arrangement, and also mandates that the attorney set forth how the law firm was found by the client. A subsequent filing must be made at the end of representation detailing exactly what happened to the proceeds (if any) of a matter taken on contingency.

My opinion:
I am of mixed feelings on seeing this. On the one hand, it is a continuing embarrassment to the profession to see this conduct happen. The image of all attorneys, and those who practice personal injury law in particular, are further smeared leaving a sour taste in the mouths of the public.

On the other hand, and far more importantly, I know this crap happens and I want it stopped. I have heard it through the grapevine as new clients reported on how they were approached by others after being hospitalized. It is utterly infuriating, and I am pleased that the Manhattan District Attorney is working on the issue. I have often quietly hoped (and today, not so quietly) that District Attorneys in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island would follow suit, not only investigating based on tips they receive, but even running sting operations.

Seven other now-convicted New York attorneys were listed in the article for using the runner (Jean Phillipe Landi) named in the article:

In addition, two other attorneys uncovered in this probe had previously been convicted of stealing from clients, Michael Mann and Joshua Just (Mann & Just). The conviction was based on charging clients for expenses such as medical reports that had never been incurred. I had previously covered that here: Two Personal Injury Lawyers Sentenced in Billing Scam.


We strongly urge not only enforcement, but also outreach by the disciplinary committees to [the Office of Court Administration] itself and/or other State agencies for the resources needed to address what may be the most extraordinarily offensive variety of client solicitation. They must undertake the investigative efforts necessary to identify and prosecute those attorneys and hospital employees who are responsible for inserting “runners” into hospitals to solicit clients at their bedsides. Currently, the “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach effectively encourages wrongdoers. Our membership believes that hospitals are in a unique position to stop this practice and that it is in the best interests of their patients to do so.


August 1st, 2007

Appellate Court Issues Opinion Seven Years After Argument

The appeal was argued in June 2000. The decision came down last week. Let the bar take notice.

The case was one of employment discrimination. There were no exceptional or unusual points of law.

It comes from the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The decision is here: SevenYearOpinion.PDF

A footnote on page 24 says:

The court sincerely regrets the unusual delay in issuing this opinion.

Has the court set a record for judicial delinquency?

(hat tip: Ben Glass)