September 18th, 2007

Jury Duty Stamps — Get ‘Em While They’re Hot!!

Credit New York Chief Judge Judith Kaye for the idea. Last week the United States Postal Service unveiled, at the New York County Courthouse where I picked my first jury and tried my first case, Jury Duty stamps.

Now it’s been a few years since I’ve used stamps in the office, finally buckling to using the utterly boring Pitney Bowes stamping machine. But mine is a small practice and I get to make the rules, so now the stamps will be coming back for some uses.

I feel pretty strongly about the jury system. After all, other than the draft it is the only time the government asks you to drop what you are doing and check in for mandatory civil service. In New York, everyone is called for jury duty, no exceptions. The idea of empowering a select group of robed politicians to make decisions that affect liberty, or to decide who was right or wrong in a civil dispute, was too much for our nation’s founders. Anyone who read about the crying Anna Nicole Smith judge and the very deliberative Scooter Libby jury can appreciate this concept.

So we have not one, but two parts of the Bill of Rights that guarantee those rights: The Sixth Amendment to protect those charged with crimes and the Seventh Amendment to guarantee juries in civil trials:

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

And this is important because there is no shortage of big business type folks looking for ways to strip that right away, either by forcing arbitration without jurors, or creating some kind of “health courts” or other devices to let the biased decide matters instead of the unbiased.

Of course, there are always some who want to avoid jury duty at all costs. (No doubt they would feel differently if they were the ones in the middle of it all.) But sticking in my brain is a story of one of the greatest juries of all time: The one that tried William Penn in the 1600s, which I recounted back in February while pulling together some quotes on jury nullification.

Perhaps these stamps, if widely used, will be one tiny way to remind recipients of one of the cornerstones of our country’s liberty: Power shall not rest with the few but with the many. And that is what jury duty is all about.

You can buy the stamps here. And attorneys, more so than anyone else, should be using them.

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)


September 17th, 2007

Car Rental Immunity Law Held Unconstitutional By Federal Judge (Updated – Reversed)

Late Friday, a federal judge held that the “Graves Amendment” is unconstitutional. The 2005 federal law abolished vicarious liability of long-term automobile lessors (edit: and renters) based solely on ownership. Thus, states such as New York that hold the owners of cars vicariously liable for the negligence of people they permit to drive their cars, saw their state statutes or common law superseded by federal legislation. One defense firm had written when the law was passed that:

This law is sure to change the landscape of motor vehicle accident litigation throughout the United States.

One of the remarkable things about this landmark piece of legislation was that it was slipped into a 900 page bill in the wee hours of the morning at a House-Senate conference, and had never been the subject of floor discussion or debate. According to the same article from the defense firm, the legislation affected Florida, Connecticut, Maine, and mostly New York.

But U.S. District Court Judge Michael Moore, sitting in the Southern District of Florida, dumped the law on its head, become the first federal judge to declare the federal meddling in state business to be unconstitutional, finidng that the law violates the Commerce Clause. The decision is here: Vanguard-v-Huchon.pdf. The law had previously been held unconstitutional in New York by a trial court judge, violating both the Tenth Amendment and the Commerce Clause.

The legislation has been a source of concern for the clients of personal injury law practitioners, not simply due to the hypocrisy of an allegedly conservative band of politicians sticking their nose into state matters, but because it allowed owners to rent or lease their cars without regard to the liability concerns of renting to people who use those cars in a negligent manner.

The Washington, DC-based Center for Constitutional Litigation represented the car crash victim. In a press release (update: a press release is below), they wrote:

“In this statute Congress did not even try to regulate commerce. It told the states what their tort law had to be, whether it affected interstate commerce or not. The Constitution does not give Congress that power.”

These cases are sure to go up to appellate courts.

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)
Addendum September 19, 2007:
This press release was received via email from the American Association for Justice:

Last week the Center for Constitutional Litigation scored a
major win that furthers our fight to assure that victims of corporate
negligence or misconduct can hold wrongdoers accountable in the civil
justice system.

In a ruling with wide implications for federal preemption and
vicarious liability, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of Florida on September 14 declared the Graves Amendment
unconstitutional. That amendment had given immunity to automobile rental
agencies for harm caused by their vehicles (Vanguard Car Rental v.
Huchon, Case No. 06-10082-CIV-Moore/Garber, USDC SD FL).

In 2005, the Graves Amendment (49 U.S.C. Section 30106) was
snuck into a 900-page transportation appropriations bill without review
from relevant congressional committees. The move intentionally
pre-empted state laws that imposed vicarious liability on rental car
companies. The amendment was the prized lobbying success of the
politically active rental car industry, which invested a substantial sum
in campaign contributions in the effort.

The Florida ruling holding the Graves Amendment unconstitutional
came in a declaratory judgment action brought by a group of rental car
companies against a person who had been injured in a collision with a
rental car. The United States intervened to defend the statute’s
constitutionality. However, U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore found
the amendment “is an unconstitutional overreaching of Congress’ power
under the Commerce Clause.”

“Under the rationale set forth” by the rental car companies and
the United States, Judge Moore noted, “this Court is hard pressed to
think of any type of state legislation which could not be pre-empted by
Congress, including state taxes.” Simply put, the ruling gives rental
car companies a powerful incentive to assure that their customers are
adequately insured. Striking down the Graves Amendment also helps
ensure that victims of car accidents with rented or leased vehicles will
be adequately compensated for their injuries.

The ruling however could ultimately have wide repercussions
regarding the federal government’s preemption powers. In recent years,
Congress has shown little reluctance to legislate in areas of
traditional state concern. Courts, led by the U.S. Supreme Court, have
found such over-reaching legislation in violation of the Constitution.

CCL has numerous cases against the Graves Amendment pending in
Florida state courts, having won many on a statutory interpretation
argument that this federal court chose not to follow. CCL also is
working closely with American Association for Justice members and
affiliated state associations in New York and Connecticut and is counsel
in cases pending in those states.

The CCL entered the case at the request of the attorneys for the
victims, Patricia M. Kennedy and Thomas Scolaro of Leesfield Leighton
and Partners, P.A. in Miami, to address the constitutional issues. John
Vail, CCL Vice President and Senior Litigation Counsel, and Andre Mura,
CCL Litigation Counsel, did the briefing on the constitutional issues,
with Mura arguing the case.

I’m sure you all join me in congratulating CCL for this
milestone victory.

Addendum – October 24, 2007: Avis has asked me to take down their trademarked logo from this post, as per the comments here. I’ve addressed the issue in a subsequent post: Avis Tells Me Cease And Desist on Use Of Its Logo.

Addendum – October 29, 2007: Dear Avis (A Public Response To Your Trademark Complaint On My Blog)

Updated, August 22, 2008: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the constitutionality of the Graves Amendment.


September 15th, 2007

And the Winner Is…

Two weeks ago I wrote that my kid brother was a finalist in a screenwriting competition.

Today, he took the gold prize in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category of the PAGE International Screenwriting Awards for Tranquility Base, beating 281 other entrants in his category. Not too shabby.

So when I wrote last time that he needed an agent, I wasn’t kidding.
About the script:
Tranquility Base is the story of astronauts stranded in space in 2040. The action moves between the International Space Station, a Space Transport Plane, and a Moon Base Biosphere, as 15 astronauts struggle to secure the six available spots in the self-sustaining environment of the Moon Base. A combination of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Survivor, Tranquility Base examines the challenges man faces when his desire to help others conflicts with his instinct for survival.


September 14th, 2007

Personal Injury Law Round-Up #28

The New York Personal Injury Law Blog brings you the week that was:

We start, as usual, with pre-litigation issues:

TortsProf Bill Childs discusses a man who died on the Coney Island Cyclone this summer. Or did he?

The failed tort “reform” experiment in Michigan was in the Detroit Free Press, and Tort Burger – Hold the Reform has the details;

But another type of “reform” has been percolating along, where state court actions get “preempted” by the federal government. Perlmutter and Schuelke have the details of tort “reform” by preemption. (Ironically advocated by those who usually argue about keeping the federal nose out of the state business. But political ideology often disappears when Fortune 500 companies have the checkbook out at election time.)

An article in the National Law Journal ponders whether the Bush administration is now targeting plaintiffs’ attorneys;

John Day (Day on Torts) reports on the tough jury climate in a case where a jury awarded zero dollars for pain and suffering despite a herniated disc with surgery and the defendant was at fault; But Ronald Miller (The Maryland Injury Lawyer Blog) has a different view, as seen through the eyes of a 28-year old article he was reading on the same subject;

And since we are talking herniated discs, if you need a refresher course or haven’t dealt with the subject before, David Gottlieb’s No Fault Paradise points to this site on disc anatomy;

Ted Frank at Overlawyered writes about lawsuits where the passenger was injured while sitting in a reclined seat. The comments section goes wild since the story doesn’t say how far reclined the seat was, giving everyone a chance to spin the story any way they want;

Moving on to the numerous recalls of painted children’s toys that originated in China, the New York Times reports that lead was used because (surprise!) it helped to increase industry profits;

Still overseas, Howard Erichson at MassTorts discusses a new article on suing Saudi Arabia for terrorism activities;

Before moving to litigation, doctor/attorney Dainius A. Drukteinis (NY Emergency Medicine) analyzes the conflicting issues of a patient in handcuffs that has swallowed crack cocaine and a cop that wants his stomach pumped;

Of course, to have a trial you need a judge, and as readers of this space know, New York’s judges are woefully underpaid. And while New York’s Chief Judge Judith Kaye had threatened suit, she then backed down much to the disappointment of her judicial flock. But as Daniel Wise now reports from the New York Law Journal, that didn’t stop four other judges from suing this week for that pay raise, with Chief Judge’s Kaye former Associate Judge on the court, George Bundy Smith, acting as plaintiffs’ counsel. Matthew Lerner has a copy of the Complaint.

Now on to litigation:

Evan Schaeffer starts us off with practice tips on readying your trial notebook;

The Illinois Injury Lawyer Blog reports that a man shot to death by the cops (with 42 bullets) has been sued by one of them;

Showing up for trial is pretty important. And Hans Poppe has this legal malpractice story regarding a car accident, a $1.7M verdict, and the failure by the insurance company lawyer to even contact the defendant to let him know the trial was happening.

Michael Jeffcoat reports on a whopping $55M verdict for a 10 year-old girl catastrophically injured by a U.S. gov’t vehicle, awarded by a U.S. District Court judge;

In the Settlements Department, the ABA Journal reports that Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego has agreed to pay $198 million to settle claims of clergy sex abuse by 144 alleged victims, following another settlement for $660M for 508 cases in July;

The ABA Journal also brings us this unusual $1.8M settlement from a Washington city, when a drunk driver they mistakenly released from jail killed a man in a hit-and-run accident;

Turning to legal fees, the Legal Pad reports some California courts are capping contingency fees on minors at 25%, a one-size-fits-all judicial rule that seems really bizarre since some cases may settle pre-suit and others may go to verdict, appeal and re-trial.

And finally:

And to those celebrating the New Year, L’Shana Tova Tikatevu.

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)


September 12th, 2007

Two More Angry Medical Bloggers With Similar Names

The other day I wrote about two blogs with almost identical namesThe Angry Pharmacist and The Angriest Pharmacist — and wondered about the intellectual property issues that would arise if such blogs could be shown to have real value.

And now...Angry Doc and The Angry Doctor.

And so, a word of warning: If anyone tries to take my name I’m gonna sic one of those angry medical people on you, because it may be more fun than suing. I don’t think there is any shortage in this department:

There is also The Angry Medic, Angry Scientist, Angry Astronomer, Angry Bear, An Angry Young Man, Angry 365 Days A Year, Angry Blog, Angry Chinese Blogger, and of course, Just Another Angry Blog. Not to mention an Angry Lab Rat.

It seems that, for some reason, and are still available, leaving me to scratch my head at the absence of righteous indignation in the profession.

But if you take one of those domains for yourself, please don’t tread on the grounds of the Angry Pregnant Lawyer, who’s been posting now for 33 months. So she clearly has a right to be pissed.