August 7th, 2013

Can New Protective Order Law Be Used for Facebook Demands?

Facebook-logoThe New York Law Journal has a short article today on an expansion of New York law regarding protective orders from over-reaching discovery (CPLR 3103(a)). Governor Cuomo signed it yesterday.

While it has long been the law that any person from whom discovery is sought may object to a discovery demand, the new amendment now includes objections regarding others who may merely be mentioned in the discovery being sought.

This can, as I’ll explain in a moment, be used to protect against many aspects of Facebook, social media and email demands.

The rationale for the law, however, didn’t have anything to do with Facebook. This is the simple (and quite logical) reasoning from the memo accompanying the bill:

Not addressed [in the current law] is a person about whom records are being subpoenaed from either a party or another nonparty. By way of example, if an accountant is subpoenaed to produce the records of clients who are not parties to the litigation, it is unclear under the present statute whether the non-party clients would have standing to object to the production of their records.

This is easy to understand if an accountant’s records are sought. Just because there may be a lawsuit regarding one aspect of your accountant’s practice, having nothing to do with you, does that mean that your private records should be disclosable? Shouldn’t you at least have standing to object?

The law was proposed by Chief Administrative Judge A. Gail Prudenti and her Advisory Committee on Civil Practice to fill a procedural gap.

But what if Facebook records are sought? These requests are getting more common as the months go by, and I’ve collected a few New York decisions on the matter.

The scenario in which it would come up is easy to foresee: Joe busts his arm in a car collision (not an accident). He writes about it on Facebook. His friends, who have their privacy settings maxed out, respond. Perhaps one of them jokes in a comment or private message, “You been drinking again?”

Are the comments and messages of the friends discoverable? The law here, of course, is not whether those comments may be admissible at trial, but merely discoverable. Can the defense lawyers go on a fishing expedition through the comments and messages of friends and their lives? These friends clearly have an expectation of privacy, as Facebook has explicitly told them so.

It seems to me that this new law can, will, and should, be used to combat over-reaching Facebook demands. Expect to see decisions on this in a year or two.


August 5th, 2013

Doctor Testifies That Six Different Signatures Are All His

Dr. Joseph Tuvia

Dr. Joseph Tuvia

Last Monday, I wrote up the story of Dr. Joseph Tuvia, a local radiologist who seems to have a propensity for vastly differing signatures made under penalty of perjury. And when I say vastly differing, I mean no person in their right mind would think they all belong to him. And I also mean a graphologist that had examined them is ready to swear under oath they didn’t all come from the same hand.

Then, as fate would have it, he took the witness stand Thursday in an unrelated matter in the Bronx. When you review 1,000 films a year for litigation, it’s inevitable you’re going to be back on the stand.

The lawyer that was going to cross-examine him had seen my posting, as well as a Village Voice piece in its Runnin’ Scared  blog that contained this:

Runnin’ Scared spoke to Jeffrey Levine, the lawyer who initially noticed the signatures when representing a client in an arbitration with Allstate Insurance. Levine hired a graphologist to test the authenticity of the signatures.

The graphologist confirmed Levine’s suspicion: The papers were signed by different people. “Do you really need an expert to see the difference?” asks Levine.

The lawyer in Thursday’s case, Ken Ready, brought the articles to court. He put the Village Voice piece prominently on his table so that Dr. Tuvia could see it.

Scott Greenfield explains why those signatures under of perjury are so important to the administration of justice, in posting about civil law meeting the criminal law.

What, exactly, would Dr. Tuvia do when confronted with them on the witness stand? He certainly knew about the articles, as both the Voice and I left messages at his office seeking comment.

If he conceded that they weren’t his signatures, he risked prosecution for perjury, or conspiracy with others to commit perjury. If he said they were his signatures, he risked prosecution for new claims of perjury.

The criminal defense attorneys that read this blog would likely have all said the same thing: Stay the hell off the witness stand!!!

But there he was on the witness stand. And this is what happened:

First up, were the issues of a CT scan and an MRI. And he came to court, on behalf of the defendant, to testify without the films. You read that right, he got on the witness stand to testify about films he didn’t have with him, that weren’t in evidence, and with a report that had a signature that differed from his signatures on other reports.

Now if you’re plaintiff’s counsel, you have two choices: First, you object to his testifying about things not in evidence. A law student could guess that choice. Alternatively you let him testify and make a fool of himself which may help you in the long run as it exposes the frailty of the defense. Plaintiff’s counsel in this case, Ken Ready, elected to let Dr. Tuvia play the fool.

The central issues were whether there was a disc herniation, and if it existed, whether it was caused by the collision, and whether the surgery was necessitated by the collision. And he did this without the films.

Next up, and the real reason you are still reading this, what did Dr. Tuvia say about all the differing signatures? Answer: He claimed they were all his. Specifically:

Tuvia 15a



He testified that the top signature you see to the left, marked for identification at trial as Exhibit 15A, was his.


Tuvia 15b


He testified that the second signature to the left, marked for identification at trial as Exhibit 15B, was his.



Tuvia 15c


He testified that the third signature to the left, marked for identification at trial as Exhibit 15C, was his. Since there were two signatures there, he had him sign to see which was his, and the “Joseph” that you see on the right side of that third image was the result, looking like neither of the others.



Tuvia 15d

He testified that the fourth signature to the left, marked for identification at trial as Exhibit 15D, was his.



Tuvia 15eAnd yes, he testified that this fifth and bottom signature to the left, marked for identification at trial as Exhibit 15E, was also his.


Five differing signatures were marked for identification. And he was questioned under oath about all of them them. Then he added a sixth, “Joseph,” which looks nothing like the other five.

Mr. Ready explained to me what transpired:

He stated under oath that all 5 signatures – one at a time – were his. One of the signatures was off because – as he explained – he was tired. I had him write his name next to his signature on Exhibit 15c because there were two signatures on the page. He testified that there may have been a time or two that someone else signed his name but that it was quickly corrected by him signing later.

An interesting note about the documents is that all five are addressed to D&D Associates, one of the “facilitators” (brokers) for the insurance business. One of the big questions, of course, is that if the differing signatures are not that of Dr. Tuvia, then who wrote them? Is it D&D staff? Is this going on with other “frequent flyer” examiners/testifiers that are part of the insurance industry medical mills?

I raise that issue because that is what the New York Times found in a 2009 exposé regarding Workers’ Compensation exams,writing that “Reports were sometimes altered by brokers…”

And if not D&D, and if not Dr. Tuvia, then who is signing these reports under penalty of perjury for Dr. Tuvia?

Unfortunately, Justice Mark Friedlander, who is hearing the case, didn’t allow them into evidence. They were, as we lawyers like to say, collateral to the case the jury was hearing.

But that doesn’t mean the District Attorney might not be interested from the perjury and conspiracy angles. And that doesn’t mean that Department of Financial Services Superintendent Benjamin M. Lawsky might not be interested from the insurance fraud angle. And that doesn’t mean the Office of Professional Medical Conduct might not be interested from the licensing angle.

This presumes, of course, that this posting doesn’t stay hidden in my teensy corner of the cyber world. Hopefully, if the prosecutors ever get an investigation up and running, they will see that this is just one small issue of a much bigger problem regarding insurance company exams.

I hadn’t expected, frankly, to be continuing this series on quickie medical-legal exams as long as I have. But now that I’ve started, stories keep rolling in about, what looks to me, like clear shenanigans that just so happen to have profound effects on people’s lives. And they are rolling in because we have a very serious problem here in New York.


August 2nd, 2013

Ribbeck Law in Hot Seat (Again) Over Air Crash Solicitation

Back in 2009 I wrote a couple times about Chicago based Ribbeck Law Firm’s attempts to procure clients after a plane crash in Buffalo. I  questioned whether it was violating both New York’s 30-day moratorium on contacting victims/families as well as the federal 45-day rule that prohibits solicitation.

Now, according to this Associated Press article, they are in the hot seat over accusations of unlawful solicitation regarding the crash of Asiana Flight 214 in San Francisco. The National Transportation Safety Board has reported the firm to the agency that regulates attorneys for further investigation of its online communications and in-person meetings with passengers, presumably referring to its disciplinary commission.

According to the article, Ribbeck is the only firm that warranted such referral (so far). The referral came because because the NTSB “received an unspecified number of complaints about solicitations since the July 6 accident that killed three Chinese teenage girls and injured 180.”

Let me say, having covered Ribbeck’s conduct in the past, I’m not in the least bit surprised.

When I covered the crash of Continental 3407 in Buffalo on February 12, 2009 — covering it specifically to see if any firm was violating a new anti-solicitation rule in New York — Ribbeck popped up on my radar. Actually, it popped up on my Google search along with six other firms chasing cases.

The firm was the focus of two posts that I made. The first, on February 16th, detailed how it set up a website ( ) specifically to solicit for the crash and ran Google ads to direct victims to the site.

The second one, a week later, pointed out that six out of the seven firms had yanked their ads down after my post ran. One did not. Ribbeck was still at it. But it modified its call to action (Please feel free to contact us at    …) to now have merely expressions of sympathy, passenger lists, news, a “legal zone,” and contact information. Not very subtle.

Back then I focused on my opinion that Ribbeck had failed all four prongs of New York’s anti-solicitation test (as opposed to the federal prohibition).

Three days after my post appeared, entitled Ribbeck Firm of Chicago Still Soliciting Buffalo Plane Crash Victims? (And A Round-Up) ,  I wrote about how Ribbeck had also pulled down its ads. Perhaps they realized they had stepped over the line, or perhaps all the important contacts had already been made, or something else. I don’t know, no one called to let me know.

My decision to search for firms that might violate these laws was not accidental. In fact, the day after the Buffalo crash I wrote about how I would be looking, as this was going to be the first real test of New York’s then-new ethics rules on solicitation. It was during this same time frame that I wrote about how attorney ethics can be “laundered” with a variety of subterfuges: New York’s Anti-Solicitation Rule Allows For Ethics Laundering and Must Be Modified.

It’s taken a few years to get to this point, but it’s a point that I knew was inevitable.

The federal law that prohibits solicitations within 45 days, by the way, is  49 U.S.C. 1136 (G)(2):

(2) Unsolicited communications.– In the event of an accident involving an air carrier providing interstate or foreign air transportation and in the event of an accident involving a foreign air carrier that occurs within the United States, no unsolicited communication concerning a potential action for personal injury or wrongful death may be made by an attorney (including any associate, agent, employee, or other representative of an attorney) or any potential party to the litigation to an individual injured in the accident, or to a relative of an individual involved in the accident, before the 45th day following the date of the accident.

Perhaps we will see soon how that rule gets interpreted within the era of website and online solicitations. But one thing is certain, this isn’t new stuff for Ribbeck. They’ve flown this route before.


August 1st, 2013

Industrializing the Legal Profession

LexviaThe slick marketing packet landed on my desk and, just as I was about to toss it into the circular file — which is actually rectangular but that isn’t the point of this post — the tagline for the company hit me: “Industrializing the Legal Profession.”

Ugh. I didn’t even know what the hell it did as a company and I hated it already. Because, you know, I don’t have any clients that want to be industrialized. They want to be humanized.

Being industrialized, in fact, may be one of the reasons they called me. Sometimes a simple human apology will stop a person from ever calling a lawyer. Pro tip: People like to be treated as people, not as files.

By the time folks get to my office, they may already be part of the machinery of police reports, no-fault exams, claims reps and other indices of our bureaucratic society. The series that I have been doing on quickie medical-legal exams, in fact, is one of the sick symptoms of this system.

There is a good chance they will then be funneled through a litigation system where they have to wait in long lines for their cases to be heard, and not understanding why it takes as long as it does, no matter how efficient the lawyer is.

If I told them my law practice was to “industrialize” them, as opposed to humanize them, what do you think the reaction would be?

So I cracked open the packet of materials from Lexvia — the culprit with the awful tagline — and found that they are a company that outsources legal work to India. And they were supported($) by my local bar association and listed a whole bunch of firms and lawyers that I know, some of whom I actually like and have had drinks with at lawyer functions.

Thankfully — and I hope this is a bright spot — I did not find that tagline when I Googled it — which means it may be brand new — though they do have on one of their pages “Industrializing the Litigation Process,” which isn’t a whole lot better.

So a word to Lexvia, don’t use this tagline elsewhere. The reaction, I think, will not be good to those of us that think about such things.

And as to the lawyers that use such companies, ask yourselves what your clients would think about it. You say they don’t know? But I have the list, marked “Confidential.” And you know what? I didn’t agree to that. Nor did any of the other gazillion lawyers that this packet was sent to. Any of us could easily scan this page and put this up on the web. Easy peasy.

What would your clients think if they knew that work on their cases was being outsourced to India? Do they have any idea how close you are to being exposed by being placed into a mass mailing?

And if you think they answer is, “Hey, the clients won’t mind!”, then why not put it on your website?

Here’s the tagline I like: Think humanize, not industrialize.


July 30th, 2013

To Tell the Truth: Which Doctor’s Signature is the Real One?

Dr. Joseph Tuvia

Dr. Joseph Tuvia

I thought I was done, for the time being, ripping scabs off the lacerations and lesions of New York’s medical-legal evaluation industry. Boy was I wrong.

Over the transom this week sails medical reports allegedly signed under oath by one Joseph Tuvia, M.D., who’s been doing medical-legal reviews of radiology films since about 1996. He was reviewing, back then, a thousand films a year, and was doing 95% of it for the defense.

As you might guess from the title of this post, the questions today revolve again around potential perjury, not from the witness stand but by signing medical-legal reports under penalty of perjury. Or, perhaps, by having others sign his name.

Tuvia1 Tuvia2 Tuvia3
Each radiological study these kinds of experts interpret, you see, gets memorialized in a report. And each report is signed under penalty of perjury.

TuviaJoseph-jane 2But which of these four signatures is the real Dr. Tuvia? Do any of them look even remotely the same as the other?

This looks, to my eye, like some sick version of the old To Tell the Truth, where celebrities asked questions to a panel of three contestants and only one person was allowed to be truthful. It ran for a remarkable 25 years. But those folks were doing it for the laughs, and the imposters certainly weren’t doing it under penalty of perjury.

The declarations you see here are signed pursuant to CPLR 2106, which allows doctors to sign unsworn affirmations as opposed to affidavits. Doctors, I guess, were deemed trustworthy enough to do this. And most of them are.

But who, in this case, is actually signing under penalty of perjury? Do any of those signatures belong to Dr. Tuvia? Do they belong to someone on the support staff? Do they belong to a broker funneling business to the medical practice on behalf of the insurance company?

Is anyone changing the report after it’s dictated? Would Dr. Tuvia even know?

Is anyone laughing about this?

I attempted to reach Dr. Tuvia but was unsuccessful. I am open to publishing a response if he calls back.

I’ve bitched and moaned a lot about the sorry state of New York’s current medical-legal “system,” where brokers pay doctors chump change to do evaluations on a big volume basis, and the results are quickie 5-minute exams. The doctor gets paid and moves on to the next one. The claimants that might have their economic futures affected are stunned at what happened, their legal rights potentially altered forever.

Questions arise, however, not only with those that do the exams but those that are unseen by the claimant. These doctors simply review records and films and then happily testify about the “results.”

Apparently some are laughing at this show. It’s the insurance companies, and they get to laugh all the way to the bank as they limit their payouts. The defense doctors playing this game know who is paying the bill and want the repeat business that comes with a happy client. The insurance companies use the reports — claiming the orthopedic injury is degenerative, or pre-existing, or non-existing, or fully recovered – to coerce meager settlements.

The New York Times covered this several years ago in an exposé about phony Workers’ Compensation evaluations and what happens with the bogus results: “The examiners’ opinions can empower an insurer to slash benefits, withhold medical treatment or stall a case.”

Then the insurance companies use the same phony data to run to the Legislature and scream about all the insurance fraud. Is that a laugh riot or what?

Will the District Attorneys ever investigate? Will the Attorney General? Will the U.S. Attorney?  How about the Insurance Frauds Bureau at the Department of Financial Services where Benjamin M. Lawsky is the Superintendent?? Or is it only individuals that get investigated while insurance companies get a free pass?

Yeah, I keep dreaming about this stuff, hoping someone in the media will wake up when they realize the scope of the issue, that someone will realize how many tens of millions or hundreds of millions are at stake, hoping that one day we will see a little more integrity in the system.  Hoping that someone, somewhere, will pick up this drum and start banging on it.

Hello? Is this thing on? Is anyone out there listening? Does anyone give a damn?

And will the real Dr. Joseph Tuvia, please stand up?

(Hat tip on the documents to one of my brethren at the New York personal injury bar, Jeffrey Levine.)

Update: Three days after this post, Dr. Tuvia took the stand in an unrelated case and was confronted with the signatures:

Part 7: Doctor Testifies That Six Different Signatures Are All His (8/5/13)