New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Random Notes September 10th, 2009 Linkworthy Ron Miller with a round-up of personal injury law links; It was supposed to be surgery on the other kidney; The Consumerist gets sued by Cash4Gold for posting a note from a whistleblower, “in an attempt to force us to take the information down;” TortsProf with the Personal Injury Law Round-Up; Blawg Review #228 is up at Law is Cool with a law school student’s perspective. Links to this post: a personal injury that is linkworthy eric turkewitz of the new york personal injury law blog links to blawg review 228. posted by Admin @ September 10, 2009 1:37 PM
Your “other kidney” link goes to something about school buses.
I hate when that happens.
Thought you might be amused enough by this to comment…
Now that link you posted to the guy with the shovel is just priceless. Thanks.