I had the pleasure Tuesday night of joining a panel of speakers on blogging at the New York City Bar Association. Our host was blogging guru Kevin O’Keefe (Real Lawyers Have Blogs), and also sitting on the panel were Scott Greenfield (Simple Justice) and Dan Clement (New York Divorce Report). Each has a summary of the event at the above links.
The evening was a pleasure, and not just because these are really easy CLE credits for me. While I can’t contribute the way Kevin can on the technical aspects of blogging — I had a web guy set up this template for me and do all the technical heavy lifting — I was able to contribute what I know on the subject of creating content. In that regard, my post on 12 tips to better blogging served as a summary of what I think works, and doesn’t work, in this medium.
But the one thing that jumped out at me above all else were the technical questions on getting started and the use of RSS feeds. Kevin spent a long time on this, which is ironic since just five minutes of playing with a feed reader will teach you more than listening to an hour of talk. RSS is one of those things that are best taught by actually doing it. All one needs is some basic guidance on where to find a feed reeder, and then a kid’s desire to play and have a little fun.
And it is that same fun factor, I might add, that makes for good blogging. Because without the desire to do it, the blog will fall flat. This space, for example, as been relatively quiet in recent months because I’ve been busy elsewhere, and I refuse to post something just for the sake of posting. I would rather the space be silent than fill it with nonsense. Because that would take the fun out of it.