June 16th, 2009

The Deadlocked NY State Senate and The Big Cookie Solution

The New York State Senate is now deadlocked at 31-31, and the lawsuit to impose a judicial solution on a legislative problem was tossed out today. What to do with this mess? The solution is actually quite easy.

First, the idea of one party or the other being in charge because one particular vote was legitimately taken or not is a waste of time. For elevating form over substance is useless when both parties have the power to deadlock Albany. To get anything done, an agreement is necessary.

The solution for the Senate is the same one my father used for dividing The Big Cookie between two sons. One kid cuts it in half and the other kid gets to pick which one he wants. That way the cutter has to be fair. The game of “you cut, I pick” is diabolically simple.

The Senate should do the same. One party divides all the power positions into two separate groups and the other side gets to pick the one they want. Who cuts and who picks? A simple coin toss. There. Was that so hard?

Tomorrow I will attempt to cure the common cold.


June 12th, 2009

Shortening the RSS Feed – Some Blog Changes

Over the last couple of months I’ve had a couple folks scrape all the content from my RSS feed and use it on their own “blogs.” I use quotes because they looked like they had no other purpose than taking the content produced by others and surrounding it by ads for their own commercial benefit.

I made clear to them that simply because content is syndicated in an RSS feed doesn’t give them the right to scrape it for their own.

Nevertheless, to prevent this in the future, I’m going to experiment with truncating the RSS feed. If folks find the lede interesting, they can then come to the site and read the rest. It isn’t really the way I want to blog — reading this stuff should be easy — but I also don’t like having stuff stolen.

While I’m at it I may also tinker with those little social networking buttons that I see elsewhere. Where will it lead? Beats me. But over the last year this little corner of cyberspace and turned up not only in national press, but also international (India and Great Britain).

And I’m open to suggestions and feedback from others as to whether or not the changes work well.


June 12th, 2009


The Citizen Media Law Project does a step-by-step analysis of how Tony La Russa’s lawsuit against Twitter went viral;

Did a local news reporter cross the line of propriety here in a Sexaholics Anonymous report?

In an breathless “expose” … an obviously inexperienced “investigative” reporter for a local cable news organization climaxed her over-the-top report by melodramatically bursting into a closed meeting of Sexaholics Anonymous “demanding answers” to her “disturbing questions” and expressing “frustration” that the startled sex addicts would not interrupt their meeting to sit down with her for impromptu on-camera interviews.

White Coat Notes continues his series of what it’s like to be a medical malpractice defendant. In part 4, he talks about deposition prep and in part 5, the deposition itself.

Ron Miller has big concerns over Obama caving to medical lobby by enacting a “reform” in order to pass health insurance legislation.

The New York Times has an article today about A.I.G. balking at paying claims regarding the US Airways flight 1459 that ditched in the Hudson in January. In addition to lost property, some folks are now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. No surprise here, as I indicated on the day of the crash that was likely to happen.

And Blawg Review #215 sets sail at Carolyn Elefant’s My Shingle, with a distinctly nautical theme.


June 11th, 2009

NY Ct. of Appeals: Attorney Newsletter Not an Advertisement (And What of Blogs?)

Two New York blogging attorneys found themselves in a decision today out of our highest court, in Stern v. Bluestone. Andrew Bluestone writes the New York Attorney Malpractice Blog, and was sued when he sent his newsletter via fax to local attorneys. He was defended by Scott Greenfield, of Simple Justice fame, who argued the matter in the Court of Appeals.

And since SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor may play a role in the First Amendment issues I’m about to discuss, this could be particularly interesting.

Bluestone was sued by Peter Stern, another local practitioner, for violating a federal law (the Telephone Consumer Protection Act) that prohibits using a fax for unsolicited advertisements. But was his newsletter regarding attorney malpractice an advertisement for his services? Both the Supreme Court (our trial level court) and the Appellate Division, First Department (intermediate appellate court) said it was advertising. You can read some of that prior blogospheric commentary here:

Most troubling about the First Department decision was this:

While Bluestone contends that his faxes were purely informational and do not explicitly offer services, his position defies common-sense. The faxes at issue certainly have the purpose and effect of influencing recipients to procure Bluestone’s services, which are for the specialized field of legal malpractice claims. . . .

Contrary to the dissent’s viewpoint, Bluestone’s motive is not a factor in the determination that these faxes are advertisements. It is not necessary to probe that deeply, since simply looking at the faxes in the context in which they were sent is sufficient to establish them to be advertisements. The faxed “commentaries” are not just information with an author’s name attached, but include the name of the author’s law firm and direct readers to his web sites which advertise his professional services.

Why is that troubling? Because blogs may also come under regulation from New York’s advertising and anti-solicitation rules, albeit it in a different context. As Greenfield noted back on his own blog in February 2008:

The significance of this case has nothing to do with the manner in which it was transmitted, but something far more insidious and troubling for lawyers. It was held to be advertising, for only commercial solicitations fall within the TCPA. With the changes in flux for New York lawyer advertising, this decision could have a disastrous impact on lawyers and their exercise of First Amendment rights.

Every blog that has a name on it, in other words, could be deemed advertising. There are a bazillion shades of gray between an article that appears in a legal journal and what you read here. How, exactly, does a court make that determination of what the primary purpose of the publication is?

But today the Court of Appeals reversed, holding that the newsletter is not an advertisement. The Court noted that the FCC had this opinion on the subject of what is, or is not, an advertisement:

so long as the newsletter’s primary purpose is informational, rather than to promote commercial products”

The Court then went on to decide that:

In these reports, Bluestone furnished information about attorney malpractice lawsuits; the substantive content varied from issue to issue; and the reports did not promote commercial products. To the extent that Bluestone may have devised the reports as a way to impress other attorneys with his legal expertise and gain referrals, the faxes may be said to contain, at most, “[a]n incidental advertisement” of his services, which “does not convert the entire communication into an advertisement”

But this leaves an issue hanging: Who decides what the “primary purpose” of a blog or newsletter is?

It’s worth noting that that exact phrase is part of New York’s anti-solicitation rules. I started writing about it in February 2007 when the new rules went into effect (See:Who, Exactly, Must Comply With New York’s Attorney Advertising Rules? and more on the subject as a whole here: New York’s Anti-Solicitation Rule Allows For Ethics Laundering and Must Be Modified.)

With so many potential shades of gray, it seems that if and when the issue is ultimately litigated, we will be faced with Justice Potter Stewart’s famous words regarding the definition of pornography, for it seems equally applicable in the context of deciding what is attorney advertising and what is not when it comes to blogs:

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.

So when will it be ultimately litigated? Hold on to your hats….the issue of New York’s new anti-solicitation rules is now before the Second Circuit. And Justice Sonia Sotomayor was on the panel that heard the case.

Elsewhere on today’s ruling:

Full disclosure: I know both Bluestone and Greenfield, and both have appeared in my blogroll for the last couple of years.

Links to this post:

shingular sensation scott greenfield wins landmark victory
on june 9, 2009, new york solo and simple justice blogger scott greenfield won a unanimous, landmark ruling from the the new york court of appeals in stern v. bluestone, which ruled that unsolicited, informational faxes distributed by

posted by [email protected] (Carolyn Elefant) @ June 15, 2009 7:23 AM

It seems like I’ve been saying that alot. I’ve been busy. For some reason these past few months have been full of assignments, projects, and two line emails that require two hours of work. Court has been especially busy as well.

posted by . @ June 13, 2009 5:01 PM

post-hiatus supreme court stuff…
it’s been a long time, i shouldn’t have left you… (anyone who can finish that sentence wins a prize!) i have been on a bit of a hiatus while i concentrated on completing my fellowship at the drum major institute for public policy.
posted by Kia Franklin @ June 12, 2009 6:08 PM


June 11th, 2009

Ken Feinberg: The New Human Punching Bag

You have to admire the mettle of the man. Kenneth Feinberg is stepping into a new role that comes with this one thankless guarantee: No matter what he does people will hate him.

The President called and he answered the call. But the role that he fills is one of overseeing executive compensation for companies that had been bailed out by the government, to see that taxpayer money isn’t wasted on overpaying executives.

Is that easy? Of course not. Many revile the policy and the whole concept of such stringent government oversight. And that means, as the government’s delegated front man on the issue, that he will suffer the slings and arrows of angry people. People will yell that he allowed too much compensation for greedy execs while others will scream that it was not enough to woo talented people. He’s gonna get it coming and going.

His job will be utterly thankless.

When he stepped into his role as Special Master of the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund he also had problems. Some thought it unfair that the families of high income executives received vastly more than those from more humble positions. And others said the families of the high earners didn’t get their due because their earnings were so high. As I said previously, I thought he was an extraodianry public servant.

This time, though, he won’t have the back-drop of a nation under attack. He has a recession. I expect he will hear much more in the way of hardball assaults since the raw emotion and immediacy of September 11th won’t be with us. He’s certainly got guts to stick his body into the path of the flailing assaults he will no doubt see.

But in the deep background there is this to consider: Feinberg was picked both by the very conservative team of John Ashcroft and George Bush as well as the present administration. So there are people out there, on both sides of the aisle, who see Feinberg as a fair man that will do his best with integrity. And that ain’t bad.

Elsewhere: D.C. Lawyer Kenneth Feinberg to Serve as Pay Czar (Elefant @ Law.com Legal Blog Watch)