October 18th, 2007

Progressive Insurance Blunders Again

Some lawyers are dumb. I don’t know how else to put it. And this particular pratfall has to be the fault of an attorney.

Last month I wrote of Progressive Insurance spying on a church group — and taping private support group discussions where people were confidentially bearing their souls — in order to obtain information on a claimant that was a member of the group.

After the Atlanta Journal Constitution busted this tactic on its pages, the CEO of Progressive apologized for the appalling conduct and said:

“When I read that story I was appalled and, frankly, didn’t believe that it could possibly be accurate. I have since learned that the essential facts in the story are correct. What the investigators and Progressive people involved in that case did was wrong –period. I personally want to apologize to anyone who was affected by this incident.”

So what happens now? According to yet another story in the AJC yesterday, Progressive is now defending a violation of privacy lawsuit that arose out of the spying on the confessionals, and now says its spying was reasonable. But this isn’t because the defense lawyers are clueless and created the defense inadvertently. Progressive’s spokesperson, according to the article, has defended the defense. That means, to me, that the idea either came from, or is being defended by, the general counsel to the company.

So when the CEO said it was wrong. Period. I guess he didn’t really mean “period” as in we-have-no-excuse-or-justification-and-won’t-even-try. Because now the conduct is reasonable.

Some folks, it seems, know the fine art of taking a bad situation and making it worse.

(hat tips: The Consumerist and Shigley)

Addendum: Perlumtter & Schuelke weigh in with frivolous defenses driving up litigation costs.

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)

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November 26 roundup
All-automotive edition: Court won’t unseal settlement arising from <05 million Aramark/Giants Stadium dramshop case for fear girl’s father will try to get his hands on money [NJLJ, NorthJersey.com, Childs; earlier]

posted by @ November 26, 2007 12:02 AM

carnival of the capitalists #211
the editor of blawg review, who toils in anonymity with the help of tireless sherpa guides to the blogosphere, is proud to be hosting this week’s edition of the longest-running blog carnival, the carnival of the capitalists.

posted by Editor @ October 22, 2007 12:01 AM

I’m sorry. No, I’m not.
New York Personal Injury Law Blog: Progressive Insurance Blunders Again: Some folks, it seems, know the fine art of taking a bad situation and making it worse.
posted by lilyhill @ October 18, 2007 12:00 AM


August 28th, 2007

Progressive Insurance Spies On Church Groups

Progressive Northern Insurance stepped waaaaaay over the line in investigating claims, when its investigation included infiltrating and taping private, church sponsored, support groups where people unrelated to any litigant were confidentially bearing their souls.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a pair of detectives hired by Progressive became members of the Southside Christian Fellowship Church in August 2005 in order to get damaging information on two church members involved in a 2004 traffic accident.

The detectives talked their way into a private support group where members discussed abortions, sexual orientation and drug addiction, and taped the sessions, the newspaper said.

The CEO of Progressive then apologized after they were caught red-handed by the newspaper.

Under the label of “Insurance Industry” at the right, I have chronicled some of the misconduct in the insurance biz over the last year, but this story has to take the cake.

(hat tip to California Personal Injury and Insurance Blog via Bob Kraft’s P.I.S.S.D.)


July 31st, 2007

Why New York Medical Malpractice Insurance Jumped 14%

You may have seen the screaming New York headlines: Doctors hit with 14% increase in medical malpractice rates! Doctors in high risk specialties paying 6-figure insurance premiums! Insurance reserves so low carriers may become insolvent! Blame the lawyers! came the cry from the doctor’s, for surely it must be due to medical malpractice cases. A little protectionism called tort “reform” would go a long way to curing the problem. Right?

Ahh, but truth is another matter. Was it really medical malpractice lawsuits that lead to this increase? Let’s take a candid look at some actual facts:

  • New York’s Superintendent of Insurance, who sets the amount of rate increases, says this jump comes “After years of artificially low rate increases” and that “the rate increase comes after years of setting rates below what was needed.” He did it now in order to avert a possible “irreversible crisis.” (Did doctors previously complain that their rates were too low?) So, the Superintendent says, New York must play catch-up with a big rate hike;
  • The State of New York had previously “appropriated” $691M of medical malpractice insurance reserves to balance the state budget from the Medical Malpractice Insurance Association. This association had been established by the state to satisfy any deficiencies attributable to the premium levels for malpractice policies, and for reinsurance. That surplus would have been used (if not taken for other purposes) for maintaining the solvency of New York’s three medical malpractice insurance carriers.

OK, so the “crisis” was caused by lousy state policy under the George Pataki administration, by setting artificially low rates while also swiping the rainy day fund. Surely, however, the problem was also caused in part by increasing medical malpractice cases and payouts, right?

Well, no. In fact a study has shown that the number of medical malpractice cases in New York has remained static, and the amount of payouts has kept pace with other health care costs. When premiums go up, but the payouts are flat, you know you have a problem. But not one created by those who were injured by negligence.

And have high medical malpractice insurance rates in downstate counties chased away physicians, as the fear-mongers suggest? Not even close. It seems the number of doctor in New York jumped by 16% from 1995 to 2003, an increase greater than our growth in population. And the New York Times reported just last week in Few Young Doctors Step in as Upstate Population Ages, that while there was 6 percent growth in the number of doctors from 2001 to 2005, for a total of about 77,000 doctors, the way they are spread throughout the state is wildly uneven. The Times wrote:

While newly licensed doctors flock to New York City, Long Island and Westchester County, where there is already a glut, far fewer choose to practice in the vast upstate region.

As the article makes clear, and as New Yorkers know, upstate has suffered economic woes in past years, much of which was related to the loss of industry. This isn’t a doctor issue. People move to the big city for a multitude of reasons, just as they always have.

Perhaps the problem is an onslaught of frivolous litigation? Nope, not that either, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine that disproves the myth of frivolous malpractice litigation.

Here’s a suggestion for the new Eliot Spitzer administration: Government clearly created this insurance problem, as your Superintendent admits. You therefore need insurance reform. So don’t try to fix it on the backs of the most badly injured of New Yorkers with some type of “tort reform” because that won’t fix a government created problem. Even insurance company insiders will tell you that “tort reform” will not bring on lower rates.

And while the governor’s brother is a neurosurgeon in a downstate county, and therefore probably both at the top end of malpractice rates along with his colleagues and in a good position to lobby his brother, it’s hard to evaluate the significance of such expenses without also knowing what their income is. Complaining about a low-six figure premium while taking home a seven-figure income for a high-risk specialty will not bring too much sympathy.

Now here is a reform that the doctor’s may want to entertain: With up to 98,000 people per year dying from medical errors, and with 68% of New York’s medical malpractice payouts coming from just 7% of the doctors, maybe, just maybe, a little more gazing in the mirror might be in order? Perhaps the medical lobby should inform their physician-constituents about the facts, instead of simply handing them propaganda to put in their waiting rooms?

So what do I expect from all this? Not insurance reform, for that would be the obvious thing. And not greater enforcement from the State Health Department on recurrently problematic doctors. It hasn’t happened yet, so why expect it now? No, I believe many will use this governmentally created mess as an excuse to strip rights away from those most severely injured by malpractice. You can almost hear the screams for caps (even though we already have them) and health courts coming from the protectionists who want to shield the negligent from taking responsibility for their mistakes.

While New York’s physicians already enjoy wide immunity from litigation payouts due to the horrible economics of taking medical malpractice cases, except in the most disastrous of matters, I fully expect their lobbyists will want more, more, more. And the facts be damned.
Addendum, after Eliot Spitzer resigns: Eliot’s Mess: The Ramifications for Medical Malpractice “Reform” in New York

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)


June 12th, 2007

Doctors Sue Personal Injury Lawyers For Defamation

Not all suits are good ones, as we’ve seen with some of the claims of Judge Robert Bork (as well as the $67M pants story, now on trial), and here is another fine example:

A couple of doctors, including Dr. Michael Zeide pictured at right, who do a lot of work examining claimants for an insurance company, were called P.I.M.P.S., as in Professional Independent Medical Practitioners. So they sued the personal injury attorneys who made the comments.

The full report is in the Palm Beach Post (via Kevin.M.D.).

A bizarre part of the suit is that they sued as “John Does,” a tactic attorneys usually reserve for sexual assault types of cases.

I’m betting the First Amendment will make very swift work of this matter. I would also note that people who routinely bend over backwards to make claims as an expert are often referred to as, ahem, the employee of the pimp.


May 25th, 2007

Court: Insurers Can’t Ignore Doctors’ Best Interests in Settlements

A medical malpractice case settles early. And the doctor then claims that the insurance company was looking out for its interests instead of his own. He has sued his insurer.

The case is classic in the sense of exploring the conflict of interest between the insurer that wants to settle and the insured that doesn’t.

But it’s also highly unusual because, where I come from, medical malpractice cases never settle early so this is never an issue.

Here are the facts (from the Daily Business Review via Law.com): In 2002, the estate of a patient filed a malpractice claim against a doctor, who then notified Chicago Insurance, his liability carrier. Under Florida state law, the firm had 90 days to investigate the claim and decide whether to contest it or settle the case. (No such law exists in New York.)

According to an appellate court, the company ignored the doctor’s protests that the case was defensible and did not undertake any study of his claims until a week before the deadline. The company elected to settle the claim instead of defending as the time was running out.

But that decision put a black mark the doctor’s record and affected his insurability, he claimed. Chicago Insurance then canceled his policy and the doctor was forced to pay substantially higher premiums to obtain new coverage.

After a lower court dismissed the case, the doctor appealed, and has now won the right to go to trial. The language at issue included this:

“Any offer of admission of liability settlement offer or offer of judgment made by an insurer or self-insurer shall be made in good faith and in the best interest of the insured.”

But, the court said, in return for accepting a policy giving the insurer the exclusive authority to settle claims within policy limits, the insurer must exercise its authority in the best interests of the insured, not in its own self-interest. The court held that “This obligation is solely for the benefit of the insured. If the insured cannot enforce this obligation, then it has no effect at all.”