January 22nd, 2009

New York’s Anti-Solicitation Rule Allows For Ethics Laundering and Must Be Modified

New York’s 2007 lawyer advertising rules will be before the Second Circuit today (NYLJ: 2nd Circuit to Hear Arguments on Lawyer Ad Restrictions). In 2007, many of the restrictions had been struck down by a federal judge in Alexander & Catalano v. Cahill, though one particular restriction — the 30-day anti-solicitation rule — was upheld. (Decision and briefs here)

This posting discusses how the anti-solicitation rule can be circumvented and why it causes First Amendment problems in certain circumstances due to the breadth of its definition of solicitation. Indeed, under the rules, this very posting could qualify as an ethical violation as I use the US Airways Flight 1549 splash landing in the Hudson River as a case example on how the solicitations can occur. In fact, the ethics rule is so full of holes that it would sink in a true disaster.

An Internet savvy lawyer may try to beat the rules by making agreements with legal marketers from outside New York. I refer to the work-arounds as Ethics Laundering, for the reasons that follow. If New York wants its anti-solicitation rules to have any real effect, it will have to more fully appreciate how the Internet has altered the field of attorney marketing, how the ethics rule might be laundered, how they may violate the First Amendment, and deal with it appropriately.

By way of background, the 30-day rule came into being in the wake of the 2003 Staten Island Ferry disaster that killed 11 people. While rescue efforts were still underway, lawyers raced to the Staten Island Advance to place ads in the paper before the afternoon deadline for the next day’s paper. It was not the personal injury bar’s most shining moment.

The new anti-solicitation rules, which cover more than mass disasters but that seems to be where the real problem lies for online solicitation, went into effect on February 1, 2007 after a period of comment. Here’s the text:

DR 7-111 (22 NYCRR 1200.41-a) Communication After Incidents Involving Personal Injury or Wrongful Death

(a) In the event of an incident involving potential claims for personal injury or wrongful death, no unsolicited communication shall be made to an individual injured in the incident or to a family member or legal representative of such an individual, by a lawyer or law firm, or by any associate, agent, employee or other representative of a lawyer or law firm, seeking to represent the injured individual or legal representative thereof in potential litigation or in a proceeding arising out of the incident before the 30th day after the date of the incident, unless a filing must be made within 30 days of the incident as a legal prerequisite to the particular claim, in which case no unsolicited communication shall be made before the 15th day after the date of the incident.

The easiest place to start analysis of how the rule works is with direct solicitation, and then work through several examples of the more troublesome indirect solicitation that serve to launder the ethics involved. While direct solicitation has, in the past, generally dealt with direct mail, this positing will deal solely with Internet related marketing.

Bear in mind that, because no lives were lost on the US Airways crash, and because a flock of birds seems to be the leading cause, we were not swamped with ads. Thus, this piece is written in advance of the full implementation of the rule, while the matter is pending in the Second Circuit, with the hope that the rule can be modified to take these devices into account.

First, direct solicitation can take place with simple Google AdWords. Those are the ubiquitous ads you see on top of the natural search results or in the right hand side bar when you Google “personal injury lawyer” or most any other service or product known to the human race. People and companies, working through Google, submit words or phrases that will trigger the ad. Those keywords don’t have to be part of the ad. For instance, a generic personal injury ad may run, but there may be hundreds of keywords that trigger it regarding medical malpractice, drug interactions, car or labor law accidents, etc. Where you land in the advertising results, be it in the first position on the first page or buried on page three, depends on how much you bid for the particular keywords you used.

So in the wake of the Hudson River crash, I searched around and found one firm that seemed to blatantly violate the ethics rule, according to my reading, by actually using these words in addition to the firm’s website link:

USAirways Crash Victim?
Helping Victims of Flight 1549
[Law firm link redacted]

But not all such solicitation is so obvious. How about the firm that uses the keywords “Hudson River” and “1549” to get placement of their aviation law firm in the Google results, but doesn’t mention the particular accident in the ad that the public sees? In this manner, law firm marketers get their ads placed under the noses of searching victims in violation of the rule, but without making it obvious. Catching these people requires someone actively looking for the violations by ignoring obvious keywords (aviation, airline, attorney, etc.), and then subpoenaing Google to get the list of keywords from the lawyer’s account.

Another trick is to simply modify the website of a firm and lard it with keywords for Google to index. Is that a solicitation in violation of DR-711? According to Ethical Consideration (EC) 2-18 of the rules:

A “solicitation” means any advertisement:
a) which is initiated by a lawyer or law firm (as opposed to a communication made in response to an inquiry initiated by a potential client);
b) with a primary purpose of persuading recipients to retain the lawyer or law firm (as opposed to providing educational information about the law) (see EC 2-6(c));
c) which has as a significant motive for the lawyer to make money (as opposed to a public interest lawyer offering pro bono services); and
d) which is directed to or targeted at a specific recipient or group of recipients, or their family members or legal representatives. (emphasis added)

Does the act of adding the text of the accident to an existing website mean that it is an ad “directed to or targeted” at the victim group? It would seem so, since the definition of “directed to or targeted” means that it is referring to the target group. The definitional text for the phrase is under Ethical Consideration (EC) 2-19(c):

“…an advertisement in a public medium such as newspapers, television, billboards, web sites or the like is a solicitation if it makes reference to a specific person or group of people whose legal needs arise out of a specific incident to which the advertisement explicitly refers.”

If all one needs to do is “make reference” to an accident, then it seems to create a troubling constitutional issue. What is to stop a firm from putting an “in the news” on its web site that deals with Flight 1549 (or a big construction accident or other event) that just so happens to tickle the magic Googlebots with the “correct” keywords for the victims to find them? The result, it seems, would be a clear First Amendment battle.

The same issue may exist for a blogger who writes about local accidents in the hope that someone will Google the accident and find the firm (see: Attorney Solicitation 2.0 — Is it Ethical?). While this can be a very crude and obvious device, it nevertheless also runs into the same First Amendment issue. Even a subtle mention of the accident — I did make reference to US Airways flight 1549 in this article didn’t I? — might trigger the rule in the eyes of some. There are a million shades of gray between the obvious and the subtle in determining which blogger is trying to add to the discussion of an issue and which one is hustling business.

The solution here may be well beyond anything that the courts can do by way of ethical rules due to constitutional constraints. It thus becomes up to writers to speak up when they see these things happen in the hope that public humiliation will stop the conduct, as the implied threat of destruction to one’s Google reputation can be a powerful incentive in the digital age. While the briefs and lower court opinion in today’s case didn’t go into the level of detail I have here, one can clearly see how the rule may not be workable.

Now moving on to the more secretive and, I think, insidious types of advertising: The attorney search services. These are web sites that are not affiliated with any one law firm, with charming names like WhoCanISue and SueEasy, that run ads trying to attract potential clients. Leads are then distributed by the company to attorneys, whose names do not appear anywhere on the website. There are dozens of these companies out there, and I regularly get calls and emails from them. One called PleaseGetMeAnAttorney, for example, sent me an unsolicited email that offered to provide leads at “$3,995.00 per territory, per month.”

These attorney search services are particularly diabolical from the ethics standpoint. They are unlikely to have their home in New York and may not even be run by attorneys. They therefore will fall well outside any jurisdiction that New York courts may have to discipline for ethics violations. They can advertise free from any constraints and may skate right off the edges of the ethical pond. But what of the attorneys that have signed up with them? They, no doubt, turn a blind eye to the devices used by the companies and will cry ignorance if confronted.

And very similar to the attorney search services are the “national” law firms that are little more than referral mills. They seek to sign up clients the same way the attorney search services do, but instead of getting paid a flat fee for leads they will receive a piece of the legal fee if the matter successful, as part of a joint venture with local counsel.

How, exactly, is New York going to stop these outside lawyers and search services from soliciting in New York and laundering the ethical rules that local counsel must abide by? Well these outsiders are theoretically subject to New York’s anti-solicitation rule under EC-221:

Extra-Territorial Application of Solicitation Rules

EC 2-21 All of the special solicitation rules, including the special 30 day (or 15 day) rule, apply to solicitations directed to recipients in New York, whether made by a lawyer admitted in New York or a lawyer admitted in any another jurisdiction.

But if the Second Circuit upholds the constitutionality of the 30-day rule, how will enforcement actually take place for the attorney that is not admitted in New York? And has a New York lawyer committed a violation by accepting the case from the outsider that violated the rules? And how is the New York lawyer supposed to know that the out-of-state referring lawyer or search company violated the ethics rules?

I suggest that the Office of Court Administration use the Retainer Statements to catch the ethical launderers. Those statements, that must be filed in every personal injury case taken on contingency, require the retained lawyer to specify who the referring sources are, be they attorneys or not. In the event of a tragedy that triggers the rule, OCA must anticipate the problem and do an immediate web search to see who is violating the rules, then cross-check that list against the incoming Retainer Statements. The rules must be clear now that, if the referring lawyer or service violated the anti-solicitation rule, then the matter will be forwarded to the disciplinary committee.

There should be little doubt that search services, as well as non-New York Lawyers that solicit here for the purpose of entering into joint ventures with local counsel, are agents of the law firms and that local counsel must therefore be accountable for the acts of these agents. For only by forcing accountability on local counsel will they, in turn, demand ethical conduct from the search company or New York outsiders. If local counsel understands that they may lose their fee after having done substantial work, they will more than think twice about whom they do business with.

This is not, by any means, a plea to get rid of the 30-day anti-solicitation rule altogether. Solicitation is ugly and a blight on the profession. Rather, it is a plea to clean the rule up, either before or after the Second Circuit decides, and make it clear that attempts to circumvent the rule by laundering the ethical issues will not be tolerated. And that is something that should be done now, and not after a real disaster.
Photo credit: Jordan Husney (via Flickr)

Update 1/23/09, After the Second Circuit Argument: 2nd Circuit Skeptical Over Restoration of Rules Curbing Content of Ads (NYLJ via Law.com)

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I’ll Take Turkewitz on Ethics Over Jack Marshall Any Day of the Week
Over at his sparsely populated and impossible to navigate blog Ethics Alarm, American University Washington College of Law adjunct ethics professor Jack Marshall accuses wildly popular New York Personal Injury Law Attorney Law blogger

posted by Carolyn Elefant @ April 05, 2010 12:36 PM

why the devil’s in the details of ethics rules when you start a
i’d love to be able to share the specifics about how to start and run a law firm for every jurisdiction in the country. in part, that was the reason behind myshingle’s the bars, reviewed which summarizes the benefits for solos and small

posted by [email protected] (Carolyn Elefant) @ March 17, 2009 10:41 PM

february 3 roundup
lawyer charged with particularly awful pattern of thefts from disabled/incapacitated persons [nytimes, steven rondos]; “buy american” provisions in stimulus bill could start trade war [postrel]. parting blow to america’s taste buds:

posted by Walter Olson @ February 03, 2009 1:11 PM

mortimer, morden, and miracles
a few “quickies” that took too long to write this saturday morning afternoon: thank you, john mortimer, for creating rumpole: as today’s new york times reports, “john mortimer, barrister and writer who created rumpole, dies at 85” (jan.
posted by David Giacalone @ January 17, 2009 1:25 PM


January 16th, 2009

We Have A Winner! (Lawyer Soliciting Airline Victim Department)

Last night I wondered who would be the first to violate New York’s 30-day ban on attorneys soliciting after a mass disaster (Hudson River Plane Crash To Test New York’s New Attorney Ethics Rules?)

Now we seem to have a clear winner. After Googling “Flight 1549” we get this ad in the right side-bar of Google (Flight1549LawyerSearch.pdf)

USAirways Crash Victim?
Helping Victims of Flight 1549
Contact Our Aviation Attorneys
New York, NY

Clicking on the link brings this predictable text:

Were you a loved one aboard US Airways Flight 1549? Are you concerned about your legal rights? Contact our firm to understand how to protect yourself and to seek damages for injuries or trauma sustained during the crash.

OK, those are the facts, now let’s follow the ethics rules…

The anti-solicitation rule is as follows, from New York’s Code of Professional Responsibility (with my italics as emphasis):

DR 7-111 (22 NYCRR 1200.41-a) Communication After Incidents Involving Personal Injury or Wrongful Death

(a) In the event of an incident involving potential claims for personal injury or wrongful death, no unsolicited communication shall be made to an individual injured in the incident or to a family member or legal representative of such an individual, by a lawyer or law firm, or by any associate, agent, employee or other representative of a lawyer or law firm, seeking to represent the injured individual or legal representative thereof in potential litigation or in a proceeding arising out of the incident before the 30th day after the date of the incident, unless a filing must be made within 30 days of the incident as a legal prerequisite to the particular claim, in which case no unsolicited communication shall be made before the 15th day after the date of the incident.

So is a Google ad a solicitation? First, here is the definition of solicitation, paying particular attention to section (d):

A “solicitation” means any advertisement:
a) which is initiated by a lawyer or law firm (as opposed to a communication made in response to an inquiry initiated by a potential client);
b) with a primary purpose of persuading recipients to retain the lawyer or law firm (as opposed to providing educational information about the law) (see EC 2-6(c));
c) which has as a significant motive for the lawyer to make money (as opposed to a public interest lawyer offering pro bono services); and
d) which is directed to or targeted at a specific recipient or group of recipients, or their family members or legal representatives.

Any advertisement that meets all four of these criteria is a solicitation, and is governed not only by the rules that govern all advertisements but also by special rules governing solicitation.

So what does it mean to be “directed to or targeted at a specific recipient or group of recipients…?” Glad you asked. So here it is, under Ethical consideration (EC) 2-19:

“…an advertisement in a public medium such as newspapers, television, billboards, web sites or the like is a solicitation if it makes reference to a specific person or group of people whose legal needs arise out of a specific incident to which the advertisement explicitly refers.”

So what does the Law Firm of Jonathon C. Reiter win? Either clients or a bench slap. We’ll see which one it is.

Note: The law firm link I provided is via TinyUrl redirect so that the firm does not benefit from any Google juice from this posting.

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mortimer, morden, and miracles
a few “quickies” that took too long to write this saturday morning afternoon: thank you, john mortimer, for creating rumpole: as today’s new york times reports, “john mortimer, barrister and writer who created rumpole, dies at 85” (jan.
posted by David Giacalone @ January 17, 2009 1:25 PM


January 15th, 2009

Hudson River Plane Crash To Test New York’s New Attorney Ethics Rules? (Updated x2)

The plane crash in the Hudson River today may test New York’s new attorney ethics rules with respect to solicitation.

New rules were put into effect in the wake of the 2003 Staten Island Ferry disaster that killed 11 and injured 71. The Appellate Divisions were appalled that so many personal injury lawyers ran to place ads in the Staten Island Advance before a 3 pm deadline on the day of the accident; ads that were placed while rescue efforts were still underway.

Specifically, there is a prohibition on solicitation within 30 days of such a mass disaster. (While some of the new rules were found unconstitutional, this one was not.) The new rules read:

DR 7-111 (22 NYCRR 1200.41-a) Communication After Incidents Involving Personal Injury or Wrongful Death

(a) In the event of an incident involving potential claims for personal injury or wrongful death, no unsolicited communication shall be made to an individual injured in the incident or to a family member or legal representative of such an individual, by a lawyer or law firm, or by any associate, agent, employee or other representative of a lawyer or law firm, seeking to represent the injured individual or legal representative thereof in potential litigation or in a proceeding arising out of the incident before the 30th day after the date of the incident, unless a filing must be made within 30 days of the incident as a legal prerequisite to the particular claim, in which case no unsolicited communication shall be made before the 15th day after the date of the incident.

Lawyers who place the ads claim that they do so so that people will be able to quickly learn their rights before an insurance company stuffs a release under their noses while they are still in shock from the incident, and gives them 10 cents on the dollar. The new rules, it should be noted, prohibit the insurance companies from doing so. The following paragraph reads:

(b) This provision limiting contact with an injured individual or the legal representative theoreof applies as well to lawyers or law firms or any associate, agent, employee or other representative of a lawyer or law firm who represent actual or potential defendants or entities that may defend and/or indemnify said defendants.

Of course, the authority of the court to regulate the insurance companies in such a manner has never been tested. (See: Did New York Courts Exceed their Authority With New Advertising Rules?)

Some may believe that, thanks to the fast and heroic action of local ferry operators that saved so many people, and the lack of serious injuries at this point (as per news reports), it would indicate that few personal injury lawsuits would even occur. But even if the physical injuries are minor, there will no doubt be substantial psychological damage to many who thought they would not live to see another day, and may suffer post-traumatic stress disorder in the months and years to come.

With all this in mind, I Googled “Hudson River Plane Crash” to see who started to run ads. Thankfully, the answer is zero. None. Nada. Zip. I don’t know if this is the result of the new ethics rules, or due to the lack of death or serious physical injuries, but it is certainly surprising. A pleasant surprise I might add.

So far, so good. Let’s hope I don’t have to do an addendum.

[1st Addendum: OK, I now have to do an addition. Yeah, you knew there would be one, right? An attorney search service is might, in fact, trolling for victims (via Overlawyered and Popehat). This is would be a clear violation of New York’s attorney ethics rules, but of course, the site claims not to be a law firm (and this might be for a different crash). I had warned in November 2007 of exactly this type of problem, with lawyers using agents to advertise while turning a blind eye to the ethics of the services. See: The Ethics of Attorney Search Services. I wrote at that time:

The implications of attorneys outsourcing advertising to a third party that may be acting unethically represents an area of law that is unexplored by many ethics committees. The company itself is most likely not in your state and not subject to attorney disciplinary rules. So what forces the advertising company that the lawyer is using to act in accordance with local ethics codes?

The very act of engaging such an advertising service should subject the law firm to disciplinary action for any ethical violations committed by the non-attorney advertising company. With this threat hanging over the head of an attorney, it is unlikely they would take such risks with their licenses. It thus makes it impossible to turn a blind eye to any ethical breaches by any service that is used as a front for the law firms.

There is little doubt that if and when attorneys are called on the carpet for problems, they will simply play dumb and say they didn’t know. But that should not be an acceptable excuse. And this is a problem that should be nipped in the bud quickly.] End 1st Addendum

[2nd Addendum: OK, it seems that we have a clear winner on the issue of this crash and the new ethics rules, with one New York firm clearly and unequivocally using “Flight 1549” and “US Airways” in their Google ad]

And one big, gigantic tip of the hat to the pilots and crew and all involved in the rescue. I would call the result a miracle, but if I did so it would diminish the skills and courage of those involved.
Photo Credit: Fanny Brown Rice
More on the crash:

…it’ll take more than a miracle to keep the lawsuits from flying. As far as we know, no suits have yet been filed. But we were curious about what such a claim — negligent infliction of emotional distress, anyone? — may look like, and whether it could succeed.

Please don’t rush to New York and file a lawsuit over yesterday’s crash.

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mortimer, morden, and miracles
a few “quickies” that took too long to write this saturday morning afternoon: thank you, john mortimer, for creating rumpole: as today’s new york times reports, “john mortimer, barrister and writer who created rumpole, dies at 85” (jan.
posted by David Giacalone @ January 17, 2009 1:25 PM


December 30th, 2008

Sex Offender Keeps Law License (Updated)

In a decision released today, a sharply divided panel of the Appellate Division, First Department determined that an admitted sex offender will keep his New York law license. A majority of three justices suspended the license of the admitted offender for three years. Two dissenters insisted he should have been disbarred. The case is Matter of Lever.

Steven J. Lever was caught in a sting operation when “he engaged in sexually explicit conversations over an internet chat room with an undercover police officer posing as a 13-year old girl, followed by his attempted meeting with the presumed minor for purposes of sexual contact.” The then 30-year old patent lawyer, formerly at Kirkland and Ellis, had logged on to a chat room targeting older men and younger women. In six separate conversations over a period of three months he engaged in discussions with “significant sexual content” and then arranged to meet the girl at the Ronkonkoma train station in Suffolk County for the purpose of oral sex.

In 2005 he plead guilty to to the misdemeanor crime of attempted criminal sex act in the third degree.

The matter was first heard before a referee, who recommended just a six-month suspension, taking into account the mitigating circumstances that Lever had admitted to his conduct, cooperated with police, and that there was no actual contact with a minor, among other things.

The case proceeded to a six-member Hearing Panel that didn’t appreciate the light nature of the referees six-month recommendation. The panel took the view that “preying upon … minors for sexual gratification by means of the internet should be dealt with more harshly.” A majority of the Panel therefore recommended that Lever be suspended for three years, or until the end of his criminal term of probation, whichever was longer, and that any reinstatement be conditioned upon a psychiatric evaluation. A sole dissenter on the Panel believed that a one-year suspension was appropriate.

From there the matter went to the Appellate Division, which resulted in today’s divided opinion. In a per curiam majority by Justices Gonzalez, Nardelli, and McGuire, the court noted that “use of the internet to prey on minors for purposes of sexual gratification is despicable and dangerous misconduct, that has brought shame to himself and to this State’s bar.” They went on to write that “serious misconduct of this type necessarily requires a significant sanction that will convey to members of the bar and public that this Court will not permit attorneys who engage in such immoral and criminal behavior to continue practicing law.”

But the majority voted not to disbar since they saw a distinction between an attempt to have sex with the minor and actually doing it. The court wrote:

Given that most State’s penal statutes treat sexual contact with a minor as a higher-grade crime than an attempt to commit such a crime (as would be the case in a sting operation), there is no basis for us to ignore that distinction in attorney disciplinary proceedings. Respondent’s sanction should be premised on what he was convicted of doing, not what he might have done if circumstances were different.

The majority went on to give great credit to mitigating factors in arguing against disbarment. They wrote:

Further, even if we agreed with the dissent that the offense, by itself, would ordinarily require disbarment, the substantial and credible mitigation evidence offered by respondent in this case requires us to consider a lesser sanction. From the beginning, respondent has admitted responsibility for his actions and has taken “uncommon” efforts to rehabilitate himself. After his arrest, he voluntarily entered sex offender treatment and all evidence in the record supports the therapist’s opinions that such therapy appears to be working and that the likelihood of respondent repeating the misconduct was “low.” Further, respondent cooperated with the criminal investigation and with Committee staff in their investigations, and he has no prior disciplinary record.

Justice James Catterson, writing in dissent and joined by Justice Saxe, called the act of dissenting in a disciplinary case an “unusual step” and urged disbarment, writing “I do not believe that we can reconcile the status of registered sex offender with that of a member of the bar in good standing.”

Justice Catterson went on to explain his reasoning as follows:

[Lever’s] counsel characterizes [his] conduct in a three month campaign of seducing a girl that he believed to be thirteen years old as a “disturbing social problem.” This attempt at minimizing the acute danger of sexual predators should be summarily rejected. I recognize that New York attorneys convicted of various crimes are routinely suspended and ultimately return to practice law after a suitable period of time. Of course, there is a very broad spectrum of crime from the venal to the mortal and the discipline imposed upon attorneys must necessarily reflect that diversity.

However … we are charged with the duty of protecting both the courts and the public from unfit attorneys, and even attorney discipline must have some absolutes; some event horizon that dictates disbarment. Generally, conversion of client funds has epitomized that litmus test. I believe that a convicted and registered sex offender merits disbarment, even when the crime, as in the instant case, is inchoate.

Justice Catterson’s point at the end, that taking client money is the most common reason for disbarment, is well taken. Readers are left to decide on their own if sexual predation is worse than the taking of money. I, for one, think it’s a slam dunk, and hope the matter is appealed to the Court of Appeals so that this attorney is disbarred.

Update, 12/31/08: The New York Law Journal has published a long article regarding this rare split decision on a disciplinary matter.

Links to this post:

a tale of two lawyers
the internet tells two stories this morning. first, the maryland daily record tells the story of an applicant to the maryland bar who has been practicing law, apparently without incident, in new york for 25 years.

posted by @ January 05, 2009 4:05 PM

blawg review # 193
welcome…. bienvenue…willkommen … london calling…. i have the pleasure of opening the batting for the series of 2009 blawg reviews. i did my first blawg review exactly a year ago. i cannot quite believe that a year has gone by so rapidly

posted by charonqc @ January 04, 2009 4:38 PM

lawyers who sought sex with 13-year-old suspended
what gets a lawyer disbarred in new york? apparently not trying to “engage in an oral sexual act” with a 13-year-old. in 2004 barrister steven j. lever chatted online and had several phone calls with a cop pretending to be a severely

posted by @ December 31, 2008 1:17 PM

daily roundup 2008-12-31
due to work and family commitments today and tomorrow, this may be my final post at overlawyered. walter olson will be returning shortly. eight los angeles police officers may face suit from an unwilling jamie lynn spears decoy.

posted by SSFC @ December 31, 2008 8:25 AM

“Sex Offender Keeps Law License”
“Sex Offender Keeps Law License”: At his “New York Personal Injury Law Blog” today, Eric Turkewitz has a post that begins, “In a decision released today, a sharply divided panel of the Appellate Division, First Department determined
posted by @ December 30, 2008 4:10 PM


December 8th, 2008

WSJ Law Blog Showing Bias Against Plaintiffs Firms in Dreier Case? (Updated)

New York litigator Marc Dreier was arrested by Canadian authorities for impersonation in an apparent scam to procure $50M. It also seems that tens of millions may be missing from the firm’s escrow account. I didn’t know anything about the 250-person Dreier firm, but the WSJ Law Blog referred to it’s firm founder and sole equity partner as “a prominent New York plaintiffs’ lawyer.” [Update: The reference to this being a plaintiff’s firm has now been removed from the story.]

Hmmm, a plaintiffs’ firm with 250 lawyers that I didn’t know anything about? I checked their website and found this, showing it to be one of the BigLaw firms:

Dreier LLP has grown to a firm of more than 250 attorneys, with its principal office at 499 Park Avenue in Manhattan, and additional offices in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California; Albany, New York; Stamford, Connecticut; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The firm’s principal practice areas are commercial litigation, real estate, bankruptcy and corporate reorganization, employment law, corporate and securities, entertainment, sports law, intellectual property, including patent, trademark and copyright law, matrimonial law and tax.

The firm also has two affiliates within our offices which have specialized practices and are of counsel to the firm. Pitta & Dreier LLP specializes in labor law; and Pitta, Bishop, Del Giorno & Dreier LLP specializes in government relations. The firm is also affiliated with Dreier Stein Kahan Browne Woods George LLP which has its primary offices in Santa Monica, California and specializes in entertainment litigation and corporate transactions, as well as Dreier Sports Opportunities Group LLC, which is a sports marketing and consulting firm.

So why did the WSJ Law Blog decide to call it a “plaintiff’s” firm? There are plenty of crooked lawyer stories to go around — that will happen in a nation of a million lawyers — and I suspect the number of lawyers gone bad is probably equally weighted on both sides of the litigation aisle.

Was this just a cheap shot at plaintiff’s firms in general, which as a general practice are not favored by the business-oriented WSJ? Why magically turn a BigLaw firm into a “plaintiff’s” firm? Or is the firm description too vague to be depended upon?

P.S. — The whole story sound similar to my ear to the case of legendary car maker John DeLorean trafficking in cocaine to prop up his struggling car company. Short story theme: Big shot player gets in deep money trouble and panics to try to rescue the business by doing something monumentally stupid.

See also regarding the scandal: