New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Legal Writing, Pope Benedict XVI March 31st, 2010 Pope to be Deposed? (How, exactly, do you mean that?) Depose is a funny verb. It can mean removing someone from a throne, or it can mean testifying under oath. (Merriam-Webster) For Pope Benedict XVI it now has both meanings. His testimony is sought in the ongoing priest sexual abuse scandal where he wants to shield himself. And there are people calling for his removal. And that’s a circumstance you just don’t see too often. OK, maybe not ever before. And that makes it worth noting. More here:Will the Pope Be Deposed? Not If the Vatican Can Help It (WSJ Law Blog)
Arrest the Pope, try him in the Hague
Sure. This sprays out during our Holy Week, which though I'll follow it makes me inclined to believe not. one. word.
Arrest the Pope, try him in the Hague
Not cool.
So, due to sovereign immunity, the Pope would have to be deposed before he could be deposed?
Sure. This sprays out during our Holy Week, which though I'll follow it makes me inclined to believe not. one. word.