May 2nd, 2008

New York Judges Slowing Cases From Legislators’ Law Firms Over Pay Raise Issue (Updated)

Some New York judges have taken aim at the law firms of legislators for cases pending in front of them, due to the failure of the legislature to give them a pay raise, according to the New York Post. New York’s judges here have not had a pay raise, even for cost of living, for nine years.

According to the Post, emails have circulated with titles like “How to Get Our Salary Adjustment,” and the e-mails have included a “blacklist” of 50 state legislators who are registered as attorneys and the firms where they are employed.

A prime target is Weitz & Luxenberg, with thousands of asbestos and other mass tort cases pending in New York’s judicial system, because Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is a partner at the firm and is blamed by many for the delay in passing legislation for the salary increase.

Particularly interesting is that some judges are recusing themselves from cases that involve the Speaker’s firm. This money quote comes from the Post article:

“I think the speaker is a slug,” said Cattaraugus County Judge Larry Himelein, a Democrat who said he couldn’t be fair to Silver’s firm. “The whole New York state political process is a joke.”

According to the article, “judges say the recusals are about avoiding any conflict of interest because of the ongoing pay dispute.”

But if the judges claim to be biased against the Speaker’s firm then, of course, the opposite must also be true: They will be forced to recuse themselves from any case where Wachtell Lipton is counsel, as that firm is representing Chief Judge Judith Kaye pro bono in her suit on behalf of the judiciary in favor of pay raises against Silver, Senate Majority Leader Bruno and Governor Patterson). (See: Wachtell and Judicial Ethical Violations in New York’s Judicial Pay Raise Suit?)

The pay raise issue will be no doubt be the source of additional litigation by savvy attorneys who don’t want judges sitting on their cases when Wachtell is also appearing in the case. This work slowdown by judges on Weitz & Luxenberg cases will be powerful evidence of bias in the judiciary for those firms involved, on both sides.

Addendum: Last week, the state’s Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics issued this opinion that Chief Judge Kaye’s lawsuit on behalf of the judiciary does not require judges to recuse themselves when a legislator appears before them as counsel, or his/her firm, or a firm representing one of the parties, but that they may do so as a matter of individual conscience.

Regarding my post on Wachtell’s appearance, the advisory opinion states:

Regarding the appearance before a judge by a member of a law firm representing one of the parties in the Chief Judge’s litigation itself, we note again that the inquiring judges are not named parties in that lawsuit. Consequently, the law firms involved in that action neither represent those judges nor parties adverse to those judges. Accordingly, the Committee concludes that recusal is not required when a member of a law firm representing one of the parties appears (see Opinions 07-176; 01-24[Vol. XIX]).

The advisory opinion does not address the issue I had raised with respect to the substantial gift of pro bono services that was made, and accepted by Chief Judge Kaye, to the judiciary.

See also: Chief Judge Writes N.Y. Governor to Deny Work ‘Slowdown’ by State’s Judges (NY Law Journal via

(hat tip, Overlawyered)


May 1st, 2008

Dissed Again – Aren’t Any Personal Injury Blogs Good?

Personal injury blogs have once again been ignored. This time it comes from the new web directory, Alltop. Constructed by web impresario Guy Kawaskaki, it’s law page is chock full of great law blogs, some mainstream and some in small niches. My quick count shows 105 of them, and it has the potential to be a great resource for people to see who is writing about what in a single glance.

But not a single blog deals with personal injury law as its main subject. Now you would think that with all the yelling and screaming about tort “reform,” jury verdicts, federal preemption, punitive damages and related subjects, that one or two blogs that devote themselves to the subject would be on the list. But they aren’t.

Have we seen this before? Yup. (See: Vote For Me In Blawg 100!! (Oh Wait, You Can’t))

So, in the event that the Alltop law page gets updated, here’s a tip to Guy for a few blogs on the subject to consider:

For goodness sakes, pick one or two from the list, or use some of the many other fine ones that I haven’t mentioned. But ignoring an entire field of the law seems to be a mistake if the intent is to aggregate law blogs.

See also: