August 15th, 2007

Greetings From Vacation

I wasn’t going to blog anything this week from vacation, but my nephew Max but this together with me and one of my kids, so it gives me a chance to experiment with video. Sort of.


August 10th, 2007

Personal Injury Law Round-Up #24

The New York Personal Injury Law Blog brings you the week that was:

Consider this the dog days of August edition, part 1:

Starting with the tort “reform” movement, a bill is proposed in Congress to ban mandatory arbitration agreements entered into before a dispute arises (ABAJournal);

John Day is contacted by a Tennessee Supreme Court judge regarding his posting on the effects of bankruptcy on a personal injury case. I wonder if the judge found Day in the maternity ward?

The collapse of a bridge in Minneapolis may have claims up to $1B, according to Robert Ambrogi at

Ambrogi also points out, in the attorneys-acting-badly department, the ambulance chasing going on. This is the same type of conduct that occurred in New York after the 2003 Staten Island Ferry disaster that killed 10 — newspaper ads being submitted before the injured and dead were all taken from the scene — that led to new rules on attorney advertising and solicitation, including a 30-day prohibition on certain conduct. More by Mark Cohen at the Minnesota Lawyer Blog.

In addition, New Jersey has chalked up its first convictions for using “runners” to find clients according to Maria Vogel-Short and his former firm, the winners being Irwin Seligsohn and his firm Seligsohn, Goldberger & Shinrod (New Jersey Law Journal via This comes fresh on the heals of last week’s action by the Manhattan District Attorney on the same subject; and three Kentucky Fen-Phen lawyers being forced to cough up $42M (plus interest) in legal fees to former clients. Kentucky blawgers Hans Poppe and the Kentucky Law Review have that story;

And lest you think lawyers-acting-badly is confined to just personal injury counsel: San Diego federal Judge Rudi Brewster accused Qualcomm and its trial counsel of committing “gross litigation misconduct” by withholding crucial evidence in Qualcomm’s patent infringement case against Broadcom Corp. (Jessie Seyfer for The Recorder, via;

The Big Dig tunnel collapse has resulted in a charge of involuntary manslaughter against a New York epoxy manufacturer. Whether this is just the first, or the last, remains to be seen. Ted Frank of Overlawyered tells us why prosecuting the company is really just a plot to carry water for trial lawyers;

If you get cancer from a kidney transplant, is it malpractice or simple negligence? Thomas Swartz at New York Legal Update lets us know what one of our appellate courts said, and why it was important;

And in other transplant-legal news, Jacob Goldstein reports that a California transplant physician has been accused of hastening death in order to harvest the organs (WSJ Healthblog);

Tom Lamb tackles the latest research paper on the risks of Avandia, at Drug Injury Watch;

Bill Childs notes at TortsProf that not only is the Consumer Product Safety Commission investigating toys, but that attorneys have taken notice;

Doctors and medical malpractice practitioners take note: Theo Francis at the WSJ Health Blog reports that Medicare, recognizing that hospitals actually profit from malpractice because of the need for continued treatment, will stop paying bills to remedy their flubs;

Some matters in litigation…

In tobacco litigation, the daughter and husband of a woman who died of lung cancer can proceed with their lawsuit against Philip Morris and other tobacco companies under a design-defect theory and can seek punitive damages in New York state court (New York Law Journal via;

In New York the steam pipe blast in NYC has resulted in litigation and yesterday, a temporary restraining order was signed to prevent Con Ed from destroying evidence;

In the popcorn lawsuit department (you didn’t know we had one?) 44 more plaintiffs have filed suit claiming they were suffered lung disease from popcorn flavoring, as per Tort Burger, Hold the Reform [Edit: much more at The Pump Handle, via TortsProf];

Mary Whisner points to an article on whether summary judgment is unconstitutional;

In the jury deliberation department, Sam Yospe at Concurring Opinions discusses blogging jurors. (Edit: I wonder if Brad Pitt blogged his jury duty? If so, QuizLaw might have something in common with him);

When the case is over, will you get paid for your time? Check out this ABAJournal horror story on a contingent fee, involving a cut from 20% to 4% in a case with 35,000 clients and $22M in charged costs;

And finally for the lazy, summer weekend, a mixed bag of law and medicine:

Enjoy the weekend.

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)


August 9th, 2007

Tornado Hits Brooklyn and Staten Island

That violent thunderstorm that knocked New York’s subways and trains out yesterday was confirmed as a tornado that touched down in Brooklyn and Staten Island. This is the first such tornado in Brooklyn since records started being kept this century, giving the Coney Island Cyclone some new bragging rights. Prior to official record keeping, one was reported in Brooklyn the late 1800s.

Amazingly, no one was killed.

Right in Bay RidgeTracks the twister
New York Daily News: Brooklyn Becomes Tornado Alley
Newsday: A Brooklyn Tornado Is A Rarity
New York Times: Chronicling a Day of Chaos


August 8th, 2007

New York Steam Pipe Explosion Victims, Badly Burned, File Suit

Two people in a red tow truck at the center of the massive New York steam pipe explosion on July 18th have filed suit, according to newspaper reports. Both were badly burned as they jumped to safety from the truck through the steam. At least two other suits have been filed, one of which I discussed here.

The explosion near Grand Central station, right near my office, resulted in frozen streets and businesses in addition to one death and numerous injuries. The intersection at Lexington and 41st street is still closed, and barriers, trucks and temporary piping still fill the streets.

The news of the lawsuits, not exactly unexpected, came the same day that Con Ed officials appeared before the City Council and failed to explain how and why the explosion occurred.


August 8th, 2007

Brooklyn Law Prof Aaron Twerski To Be Honored by ABA

Brooklyn Law School Professor Aaron Twerski will be honored by the American Bar Association on Sunday with the 2007 Robert B. McKay Law Professor Award.

According to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle (via TortsProf) the award “recognizes law professors who are committed to the advancement of justice, scholarship and the legal profession in the fields of tort and insurance law.” Prior recipients of the award included Judge Richard A. Posner, and the late Charles Alan Wright.

According to the article:

Twerski, an authority in the areas of product liability and tort law, has contributed to the fields through his service as both a scholar and a teacher. He has published dozens of law review articles as well as books on torts and product liability law. He was named the R. Ammi Cutter Reporter for his outstanding work as co-reporter for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law (Third) Torts: Products Liability, published in 1998. His most recent articles were published in the Yale Law Journal, Cornell Law Review and the Georgetown Law Journal. He is co-author of the leading textbook, Products Liability: Problems and Process as well as Torts, Cases and Materials, with Cornell Law School professor James A. Henderson Jr.”

But he doesn’t blog.