August 24th, 2007

Three Interesting New Blogs

This isn’t New York personal injury law, but interesting enough to note:

1. Mike Leavitt, Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Bush administration, has become the first Cabinet-level official to blog.

2. The country’s first blogging coroner? (via Dr. Wes)

3. A fake law blog from the producers of the law show Damages with Glenn Close (via WSJ Law Blog), perhaps stealing a page from the Fake Steve Jobs. But if they really want to do it right, they would remove the references to the TV show that exist in the header, interact with the blawgosphere with outgoing links, and mingle real-world law and current events with their fictional show. Now that would be worth reading.


August 22nd, 2007

Overlawyered Adds Personal Injury Attorney To Blogroll

When pigs fly, I hear you say.

Would the oldest legal blog in America — dedicated to documenting the high cost of our legal system and, perhaps, savoring some of the outrageousness that exists (Pants Pearson, anyone?) for the anecdotal benefits — actually add a dyed-in-the-wool, 100% personal injury attorney to their blogroll? An individual that takes tort “reformers” to task every so often? One who is a guest contributor at Overlawyered’s arch nemesis, TortDeform? Well, yes. They would.

Has Overlawyered gone soft? Have they fallen under the spell of Judge Robert Bork’s new found convictions?

For reasons known only to those within the super-secret confines of the conservative Manhattan Institute (and senior fellow Walter Olson) that runs the site, they have added this trial lawyer (cough, cough, spit, spit) to their blogroll — apparently the only plaintiff’s PI attorney to appear there. And the blogger they added is still a rookie. Will Olson have to turn in his secret decoder ring for this? Will that trial lawyer guy be ostracized and banished from the PI Secret Society and have to turn in his own secret decoder ring?

Stay tuned. It seems that pigs can sprout wings.

I don’t get around to updating my blogroll too often, but I think it’s time to add a few:

  • Overlawyered — Just for fun, I’ll place this entry right between TortDeform and The Tortellini. Excuse me while I grunt and flap my own new wings;
  • Kevin, M.D. — While Dr. Kevin Pho also has a position contrary to mine on some issues, he is a magnificent resource of stories and opinions from the field of medicine;
  • DeliberationsAnne Reed’s terrific blog on everything related to juries. Also a rookie;
  • Above the LawDavid Lat’s legal tabloid…need I really say more?
  • TortsProf — Brought to you by Prof. Bill Childs from Western New England School of Law, who does a great job rooting out tort cases from everywhere the sun shines, and some places it doesn’t.


August 19th, 2007

NY Times to Add Health Blog, Is Law Blog Next?

The New York Times is expected to announce tomorrow the start of a health blog, according to (via Kevin, M.D.). The writer will be Wall Street Journal columnist Tara Parker-Pope.

If the Times is expanding its blog menu into such a heavy-duty area, and you can find a list existing Times blogs of them here, then I have to believe that law will soon follow. That’s not based on any inside information (though I will gladly accept tips on that subject), but on a basic gut feeling given the prominence the Times gives to law news and the current lack of such an offering.


July 24th, 2007

Welcome New and Improved ABA Journal

The American Bar Association has moved into the news and blog arena in a big way, as evidenced by their newly redone website.

A quick view shows terrific free news feeds as well as a great new compendium of blawgs. They have obviously done their homework.

The new ABAJournal also has a featured blawg each week. Let’s hope they don’t just focus on the big name A-listers from the ivory towers and appellate world, and present the occasional up-and-comers from the “Practical Blawgosphere” that are out there in the courthouses on a day-to-day basis.

Addendum: I noticed that New York, with 75,000 attorneys, has only 21 blogs listed on the ABAJournal site. Justias Blawgsearch lists 28 and Blawg has 15. What does this mean? That those who think that the growth of blogs has stagnated may not appreciate that we are still very much in the early phases of the medium.

See also:

(Eric Turkewitz is a personal injury attorney in New York)


July 10th, 2007

Is the Blawgosphere Stagnating?

I haven’t done any blogospheric naval gazing since I started writing on personal injury law in November 2006, since that isn’t what my blog is about. But Dave Hoffman at Concurring Opinions just wrote on The Flat Legal Blogosphere And What to Do About It, and I’d like to hit a few points despite the fact I’m just a rookie.

First, read his post at the link above and then come back.

Welcome back (and yes, I stole his naval gazing graphic). Hoffman’s comments in red and mine in black:

Group Blogs Do Not Predominate: Unlike the political blogosphere, the one-person operation remains a very important part of the short- and the long-tail of the blogosphere. Among the highest traffic sites are many run by one individual (Berman, Bainbridge, Leiter, Caron, Ribstein, Althouse/Reynolds (if the last two count as law bloggers). Others are run as groups (Scotusblog, Balkinization, Volokh, CO, Prawfs, Discourse, Conglomerate). But there is no clear trend, as I once predicted, toward further consolidation.

The political blogs, of course, are heavily dominated by two parties and massive amounts of money, thus making for a poor contrast. The reason for the lack of consolidation in legal blogs, I think, is that solo and small firm practitioners still practice in wide numbers across America. (cite, anyone?) While almost every other industry has consolidated — how many solo doctors do you know now, as opposed to 25 years ago? — attorneys have resisted. The blawgosphere merely mirrors the actual practice of law. If you need to do a comparison, look to other professions. Without looking, I’d bet accountants, architects and other professionals are similarly one-person operations.

Traffic is Stagnant: Critics notwithstanding, I still think I’m right that the legal blogosphere’s growth has slowed significantly. One major law blog has seen a large increase in daily visits (SCOTUS Blog), and a few others (Opinio Juris, for example) have seen a gradual increase to around 1,000 visitors a day. But on the whole, the explosive growth in traffic of 2002-2005 no longer exists. Sites are bumping around basically where they were a year ago.

I don’t know the basis of this since no link to a survey was provided, and I don’t think traffic stats for particular sites are public knowledge, except for those that volunteer the info. My own small, recently-started niche blog that you now look at averaged over 700 unique visitors a day in June. I don’t know if that is good or bad and would love to know what others get, but this is still just anecdotal. Absent some type of actual survey of the legal blogosphere, I don’t see how one can say traffic is stagnant.

New Entrants are Rare: I think (though we need a new census). I imagine that almost every law professor or lawyer who wants to blog has now heard of the medium and has either joined the fray or decided to abstain. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly hard, as I’ll discuss in a moment, to break into the game and find readers.

Most attorneys I speak with are unfamiliar with blogs. Many still don’t have web sites. And I managed to find new readers starting from scratch (albeit while expending a great deal of time). While I am still very new at this, my gut tells me that tremendous growth lies ahead. Here’s why: New York probably has over 10,000 attorneys who practice personal injury law (based on about 75,000 total attorneys, with the largest plaintiff’s attorney group having about 4,500 members). Yet how many blawgs on that subject can you find? Since this is my area, I’ve looked. And you won’t find much. Justia shows just 28 for the whole state covering all areas of law. There are a million attorneys in the U.S., but how many blawgs in total are there that post at least once a week? About a thousand?

There are Few Professionals: Here, we can see some parallels to political blogging. A few reporters and the gossip-hounds are doing this full-time, but by and large lawyers aren’t quitting their day jobs to make money from blogging. The amateur/hobby status of law blogging is likely driven by the smaller audience of readers for law than for partisan political analysis. With the exception of Reynolds and Volokh, I imagine that no law blog could, even when fully monetized, gross more the low five-figures a year.

Yikes. I italicized the last point because it is the most important part of this response. If someone published an article in a legal journal, will that gross them any money? No. Except as an indirect form of marketing as they become known in their field for what they do. Blogging is conceptually no different. Most blawgers, I think, do it simply for enjoyment, or to network with other attorneys for possible referrals, or perhaps hope a future client stumbles on the blog while looking for counsel. Trying to place a financial figure on such an indirect form of networking is not only impossible, but would completely miss any real benefits that might accrue based on new contacts and clients.

Law Blogs Are Largely Reactive: Here, some qualification is in order. Some law blogs, like Berman’s, Balkin’s and Volokh’s, have driven national debates on issues like torture and sentencing. They have done so through “original” reporting on legal issues, in a significantly deeper and more comprehensive way than reporters on the “law beat” ever could. These blogs really show the value added of law blogging. But, overall, most law blogging, even at high-traffic sites, remains parasitic on the main-stream media.

True, they are reactive. I’ve also noticed, though, that in two stories where I was presenting original material (that supplemented that of the main stream media) my traffic spiked upward. I think it is clear that those that pursue original content will flourish and those that are strictly parasitic will stagnate. Very Darwinian. Very capitalistic. Isn’t that how it should be?

Addendum: See Also:

(Eric Turkewitz is a
personal injury attorney in New York)