New York Personal Injury Law Blog » Joseph Rakofsky


March 30th, 2012

Rakofsky Motion #13 (ABA Moves to Dismiss)

I believe this is the final motion to dismiss being made by defendants in the Joseph Rakofsky defamation case. As regular readers know, I am both a defendant and local counsel for 35 defendants. Marc Randazza is our pro hac vice counsel.

The defendants for this motion are the American Bar Association, the ABAJournal and two of its writers. Defense counsel  is Mark Harris and  Jennifer Jones of Proskauer Rose. The first article by the ABAJournal claimed to be defamatory is here. The second is here.

Pertinent documents for the motion to dismiss:

Memo of Law

Debra Cassens Weiss Affidavit

Sarah Randag Affidavit


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